Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So I finally got my laptop back! Maybe I can get back to blogging and losing weight!

Ever since vacation, I've been fluctuating between the same 3 lbs. Better than a gain! Over Christmas I gained less than a lb more than the highest point of the 3 lbs. So I'm feeling pretty victorious! :) Still at almost 35 lbs lost, I'm trying to concentrate on progress and not the stand-still. I'm trying to see the stand-still as progress, too. I've not really been trying to watch what I eat, necessarily, so this means I've learned to eat less. Now, if I can just learn to eat enough less that I can maintain a size 8! :)

Hoping to get back on track now that the new year is here and all the holidays are over. I think I did ok last week, but I forgot to weigh before I ate breakfast so I guess we'll have to wait and see.

An article I found interesting:

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