Thursday, June 16, 2011

Exercise, sneak peek, new goal....

So I decided to go back and see how long I've been active. It looks like around March 21st I started walking. So right at 3 months! And I think I've been pretty faithful to it since then. I'm curious to go walk the trail that I walked at first and see how hard it is now.

I took a sneak peek at the scales this morning.. 2.8 already! :) A weigh in mid-week helps keep me motivated.

I've heard say that when you set a new goal, you're supposed to tell someone, so you have some accountability. So to you, my friends, I would like to say.. I have set a new goal! :) I am going to try to cut out soda. With my activity levels and it being summer, plus tanning and cleaning buildings... I'm sweating a LOT more and I don't drink enough when I'm drinking soda. (Besides it not being good for you, etc...) So. Usually I drink two sodas a day. I'm going to try to take that down to one for now (trying to avoid the headaches..) and hopefully soon cut it out altogether. I started yesterday. Got more water, but not a whole lot less coke..

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