Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Weigh in...

Lost 1.8! :) I'm back at pre-vacay weight finally! :) Well, not exactly, but I'm calling it that since I weighed on Friday instead of Monday. :) So now it's time to make some REAL progress!

(BTW: We get 1.8 a lot around here.. Ever notice that?)

NSV: A random person from another department at the bank told me in the elevator this morning that I looked good! :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Weigh in...

...and other stuff. :)

WI: I lost 2 lbs! :)
(In all fairness, I thought last week's weigh in was a bit heavy and I was sick all day yesterday.. So I'm gonna take it as a win, but you shouldn't let it get you down. :)

I know I just posted these pics, but my sisters and I have decided we need to find our motivation again. Part of our plan to find it was to post before/after pics. (I do this all the time. They don't. :) After an invigorating workout and a good weigh in (despite the fact that I ate HORRIBLY last week) I feel prepared to take on this week! :)

Let's do this thing!!! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cheer from Aunt Mary :)

Cheer! Cheer! for no thunder thighs!
We will go walkin - the fat will all fly!
Then these waistlines will go in
And we will all be thin again!  Yeah!

Love Aunt Mary's cheers! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Something positive

Someone I haven't talked to in months (except maybe a comment here or there on fb..) chatted me last night and told me I was a real encouragement to them with their exercise. It really meant a lot to me. This is what you call an NSV. The idea that I can help motivate ppl is so foreign to me, but it's exciting!

Weigh in...

I don't wanna talk about it... :P

I thought I did so well yesterday and I gained a lb. :( I'm just really sad right now... I'd hoped to be closer to pre-vacation weigh in by now...

Monday, September 12, 2011


I just worked out for the first time since vacation. Gosh, I really got soft! Well, and I'm congested, so that didn't help. I've got some work to do, tho!

Weigh in...

I've decided to move my official weigh in day to Tuesday, to be in synch with my sisters. So tomorrow I will weigh in.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thank Goodness for Before and After Pics!

I'm gonna be honest. I saw the pics of the trip and my heart sank. I didn't look nearly as skinny as I'd envisioned myself. Remember, I rarely see snapshots of myself. I see what I want to see in the mirror. Snapshots are not as kind as a mirror can be. Snapshots pretty much tell the truth of the matter.

So even tho I had ppl telling me left and right I looked good, the pics from vacation just didn't make me feel that great.

Then I started comparing them to my before pics. Suddenly, they looked really good!! I feel like I post before/after pics all the time on here, but I'm gonna do it again. :) Just so you can see what I'm saying.... I mean, gosh! just look at my smile and you can tell a difference! Confidence is way higher!! :)

Same skirt, btw.. With two pins in the current pic.. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


So.. I walked this morning... I did NOT feel like it (been sick) but I drug myself out anyway. It was brrr cold. (50s)

But I'm terrified of quitting, so I got back out there. The quicker I get back on track, the less likely I am to quit.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Negative activity points..?

Do you get negative activity points if you sit around and literally do nothing all day? I feel like I should.. I've been such a bum today. In my defense, I wasn't feeling the best. But this day was a pure waste... At least I didn't eat a ton...

Monday, September 5, 2011


Well, I'm back from Virginia, tho vacation isn't technically over for me until Wednesday. I'm terrified to see how much I've gained.. I don't think I've done too bad, but a gain is still a gain.. I'm not going to enter it into my ticker, tho, until next Monday. Gives me a chance to bounce back.