Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Weigh in...

...and other stuff. :)

WI: I lost 2 lbs! :)
(In all fairness, I thought last week's weigh in was a bit heavy and I was sick all day yesterday.. So I'm gonna take it as a win, but you shouldn't let it get you down. :)

I know I just posted these pics, but my sisters and I have decided we need to find our motivation again. Part of our plan to find it was to post before/after pics. (I do this all the time. They don't. :) After an invigorating workout and a good weigh in (despite the fact that I ate HORRIBLY last week) I feel prepared to take on this week! :)

Let's do this thing!!! :)


Nettie Beard said...

I'm so excited that all three of us had great weigh-in's! True - you and I have illness to thank, but I think it's just what we needed to kick us in the rear!

Grace said...

So why haven't I heard about y'all's weigh ins?