Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Weigh in...

Ok, to catch you up to date...
On 10/24/11, my weigh in said I lost 2 lbs. This brought me to 40 lbs total. I knew I'd been eating terrible and there wasn't much of a chance that was very accurate, but I was excited to be at 40 lbs and I figured, if the scales said it, I could claim it...

Well.. I continued eating terribly (I don't know why..I just got stuck in this bad eating rut.. I think because I wasn't exercising...) and the next weigh in said I gained 5 lbs... This was 11/1/11. I refused to talk about it, promising myself I would make up for it the next week...

Today is next week and today said the same as last week. And I ate terrible again last week. Leading me to believe there is something up with my scales... Or, well, my weight fluctuation anyway.. I don't think it's entirely inaccurate.. But things like, I normally weigh in around 8:00 and it was 10:30 when I weighed on 10/24/11 kinda make a difference...

Anyway.. All that being said, I'm gonna keep my mind on the 35 lbs behind me, not the 5 lbs jumping around, and set my mind on going forward! :)

Now, I've started the shred again, so I'm not looking for any kind of good loss, quite possibly a gain. But for a couple of weeks, it's just going to have to be that way because I have GOT to get active again!!!

So that's my story, and that's where I'm at. :)

1 comment:

Nettie Beard said...

Stick with it Grace! You can do this! I've watched you loose so much weight, don't let anything stop you know.