Friday, February 3, 2012

Weigh in...

So I don't exactly have an official weigh in day, since I don't always get around to blogging, but my weight loss from last check in to today was 1.2 lbs. :) It's not a lot, but I'm happy with the number. Heck, I'm just glad I haven't gained!

Just watching what I eat still, not really being faithful, so I'm not expecting great results right now. I have a lot of changes happening right now, so I'm ok with maintaining for now. And I said now a billion times, I know. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Trying to get inspired again...

I decided to go back and read my blogs from when I was actually doing great, hoping for a little inspiration. It's ironic how much they've actually changed. From excited and active to constantly making excuses and trying to get inspired again. I'm really mostly sad that I'm not active like I once was. I did really great with walking, so winter has been somewhat of a hindrance, tho I can't use it as an excuse, since I have workout videos. Plus, the weather has actually been quite warm several days lately.

I found a blog where I talked about getting tired of eating. I remember that. I honestly just got bored mid-meal and didn't want to eat the rest. I had food in the proper perspective.

I'm not going to make any promises to break about what I'm going to start doing. I'll let my future blogs speak for themselves.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Doubling my failure rate

So last year I lost 35 lbs. And, while I'm hoping to at least lose that much again this year, I'm taking a new focus for now. Maybe it'll all come together to form a better me.

This year I want to focus more on my mental health. Now, don't run too far with that. I'm not crazy.. I don't think... haha. But I have become sarcastic, cynical, pessimistic, and, yeah, maybe even a little bitter. My self-esteem is at an all-time low. Honestly? I think very little of myself. Any good things feel fabricated to me. Like, "posh! you really think you're caring?" I'm terrified of anything new and I've let my fear of failure cripple me.

I'm really not certain that my self-image is that far off. I think I've become a little self-absorbed with my "pain". At any rate, I'm through with feeling this way. I'm ready to forgive those who hurt me, accept myself for who I am, and work towards a better me!

A thought to get me started: "If you want to be successful, double your failure rate." - Bill Gates

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So I finally got my laptop back! Maybe I can get back to blogging and losing weight!

Ever since vacation, I've been fluctuating between the same 3 lbs. Better than a gain! Over Christmas I gained less than a lb more than the highest point of the 3 lbs. So I'm feeling pretty victorious! :) Still at almost 35 lbs lost, I'm trying to concentrate on progress and not the stand-still. I'm trying to see the stand-still as progress, too. I've not really been trying to watch what I eat, necessarily, so this means I've learned to eat less. Now, if I can just learn to eat enough less that I can maintain a size 8! :)

Hoping to get back on track now that the new year is here and all the holidays are over. I think I did ok last week, but I forgot to weigh before I ate breakfast so I guess we'll have to wait and see.

An article I found interesting: