Monday, May 30, 2011

Weigh in..

I maintained. Neither gain nor loss. That's good, considering the week I had.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

No comment

UGH!! Am I the only one having this problem? Blogger will NOT let me comment on anything! It acts like I'm not logged in, but I am! And I'll try logging in again and it does the same thing! :(

I am reading, guys! Just can't comment... :/

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blogger.. UGH!

I can't comment for some reason... So.

Amy: It's still progress! :)

Sarah: You're looking great! I can see a real difference.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Just want to say, the easy tone shoes really do work! Now, I'm not saying you're gonna instantly look like the girl on the commercials, but... I've been wearing Rachel's knock-offs from payless and I can really feel it in my legs and butt.

Weigh in..

I lost 1.6! I was half afraid I was going to gain, so I was pretty excited. (yesterday's sneak peek was ominous.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


FYI: I HAVE been tracking, even tho I don't always post it on here. I have a handy-dandy dry erase board on my fridge, which I write everything down on.

Today, so far, I've had..
Granola bars, 5
BK Single stacker, 10
BK Fries, 12

So.. 10 points left and I haven't eaten dinner. I should be fine, tho. That should be plenty.

Gees, tho, this is going to be hard once I get down to 29 points.. :/

Oh, and I'm hobbling from yesterday... My toe is SOO sore. :( Looking forward to new shoes!

Stress eating

Crap. I'm stress eating.. I might be able to salvage the day, but I'm too worn out to check right now....

Apparently the universe (or somebuddy...) decided today needed to make up for yesterday. I've all but forgotten how rested and happy I felt yesterday. : /

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I just walked 3.7 miles and probably could've walked another mile! This is tremendous for me.

On the down side, I need new shoes. I discovered the problem I'm having with my toe is due to my shoes... But I get paid Friday so new shoes, here I come!

Nettie: Is that 5K thing still on? when was it and where?

Oh! And... I found out today that most of the small sandwiches at Schlotzky's are 9 points! That's less than a McDouble and much more filling! Less than a sub sandwich, too, but not more filling.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Weigh in..

I lost 2.6!! :) And officially reached another goal! It's always a goal to drop below that 10 lb mark, whatever it may be. For instance: 120, 130, 140... (Obviously I'm not there yet, but I'm not exactly comfortable posting my weight, even if you do know..)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This week...

I didn't keep track today.. I started at about 1 AM with some Munchies. But then I didn't eat again until 3 PM and I ate granola bars. For dinner, I had a bbq sandwhich, some nachos, and some cookies. I think I'm ok today.

I peeked at the scales.. I THINK I'm gonna do really awesome this week. I'm really looking forward to weigh in tomorrow morning. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011


Well.. I'm not entirely positive on all this, but here's some approximations...

Granola bars, 5
1/2 a turkey sandwich, 4 (did you know turkey has 1 point for 6 slices?? Now if i only liked turkey...)
bag o pretzels, 3

Dinner: (here's where the approximations come in..)
Chips & Salsa (some), 4? (really, no idea, except chips are normally 4 per serving..)
Chicken, (1/2 serving) 17
Fries, (a few, less than half) 5
Chocolate molten cake, (split with my bestie) 14

52 - 37 = 15 weekly points
49 - 15 = 34 weekly points left over.

I'm probably a few points short, tho.. But I'm pleased, over all.

Now that blogger is finally back up..

.. And missing some of my blogs...

I'm starting to really notice definition in my arms! :)

I have plans to eat at Chili's tonight. A/O right now, I have used 12 of my daily points, none of my weekly points. This leaves a total of 74 points for me to use at dinner. Obviously, I don't want to use all of those points. I'd really kinda like to just use my daily points. But Chili's is a killer! When I saw the points values on their food I was physically sickened by it. Very educational, for sure.

At this point, my plan is to eat the chicken crisper meal, which includes fries, (I think, need to check before eating.) for 35 points. It's usually more than enough food, so I'm thinking if I don't eat all of it I might actually come out ok! I thought about subbing the fries for a salad (if they're included..) but I figure the dressing is probably 5 points or so... I could just eat half the fries...

Anyway, we'll see. I may throw caution to the wind in the end. After all, I do have 74 points to work with.. But I have game night Sunday night to keep in mind, too....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thank you, Timothy! :)

He probably won't read it, but he made several comments about how great I'm looking last night. :) A real moral booster, for sure. I was thinking about it the whole time I was working out this morning.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


First, NSV!! The other day I put on a skirt that used to barely fit me. Now it fits quite nicely!

Now, down to business...
Bagel, 5
Coffee, 1

Pretzels, 3

"Lunch": (I wasn't hungry)
Grapes, 0
Nut Mix, 6

Chicken, 5
Drink, 8

I'm supposed to be meeting mom and dad at taco bell here in a bit. Guess I'd better figure out what I'm getting before I go...

Monday, May 9, 2011


Well, in case you didn't see on facebook, I cleaned offices for over 3 hours. I'd say I got some exercise in....

Today I ate..
Turkey sandwich, 6
Ice Cream bar, 8

Chicken wrap, 9

Double cheeseburger, 12
A few fries, 2 (guessing)
The fries were gross, so I didn't waste points on them. :)
Total: 37 points

Weigh in..

Lost .4 lbs. Better than a gain!

I was doing great til I went to Amy's and we had pizza for dinner one night and Perkins for dinner the next night. I'm not blaming her. I coulda eaten something much more healthy than the biscuit, fried eggs, and sausage slathered in gravy with a side of greasy potatoes. She tried to get me to split something with her. But that's what I chose.

I also chose not to exercise Thurs-Sun, so that didn't help either.

Today I stayed home sick.. So far I haven't exercised.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I'm still trying to decide if I want to eat something else... I never really ate dinner... But it's 10:00 already, which is kinda late to be eating... But this is what I've had so far...

Grapes, 0
Nut mix, 6
*yes, I'm aware I eat the same thing all the time.. It's easier..*

Chips, 3
Wrap, 10
Yogurt frozen bar, 2

Crackers, 6
Total: 27

So I could have something decent.. Or I could just eat one of those 8 point reeses ice cream thingies.. :D

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Omg! I just calculated my workout and I get 8 activity points for it!! Guess that takes care of yesterday's messup! :)


Nut mix, 6
Grapes, 0

CFA sandwich, 11
Lite Mayo, 1

Cookie cake, the rest. haha.
Hard to calculate exactly, but I figure I don't need to eat at 8:00 anyway.. Maybe some grapes or something light...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Keeping track...

*Imagine a little kid who's being asked to confess what happened to sissy.....*

I was doing SO good...
Grapes, 0
Nut/fruit mix, 4

Baked Cheetos, 3

BBQ Sandwhich, 6
Chips, 4
Strawberry yogurt bar, 2

We're at 19 points... Leaving 18 for dinner...

I had a terrible day at work... I wanted to scream a few times, bash my head on my desk, go home and cover my head with a blanket. Mostly, just go home and cover my head...
When I have a bad day is when I have the hardest time sticking to it.. I'm a big baby and I want to "give a sucker to the kid who fell down".

So for dinner I went to Taco Bell.. Tim had just been telling me about the beefy crunch burrito (so I blame him.. :) For some absurd reason, I decided I needed 2. *blush* Of course I didn't need two, I'm stuffed now.

I hoped beyond all hopes that they were 9 points each, but to my dismay... They're 13 points each. :/

So 26 points for dinner, meaning I used 8 weekly points... already. :/

And my back is really sore from my workout...

BUT!! I will not be dismayed! This does not mean my week is ruined! Just means I need to do better tomorrow. :)

Weigh in..

Nice.. Now I'm all confused because of the duplicate weigh-in... And, of course, I had a significant gain... I knew I'd have to work extra hard if I wanted to maintain that loss and I didn't work extra hard....

So.. from second weigh-in last week.. I gained 1.8 lbs...
That's a .4 gain from first weigh in...

Either way, I gained. :/

I marked most of my food with the point values yesterday so hopefully this week will be better... I know, I keep saying that.

Y'all, hold me to keeping track of what I eat. That's the biggest problem here...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Before pic...

Top Pic: I just want to say, I really hate this pic of me.. It was "wacky day" at work, to explain the excellent choice in clothing. But it's a good "before pic". Looking at this pic compared to the bottom pic was really encouraging! To be fair, I was sucking it in, but looking at my arms and face I can tell a difference. (But maybe it's just me...)