Thursday, July 21, 2011

I have a dream..

Back when I first joined WW I determined in myself that, if I ever got to my goal weight, I would become a WW leader. Since then my determination to share the experience I have gained through this has grown. I want this to become my career. My mind has toyed with different ways that I could use the experience. A fitness instructor? Teach a class on nutrition? There's a lot of possibilities..

I have a dream to be a writer. I'm nowhere near professional, but I would love to become a professional. I've toyed with the idea of children's books. I've written a story for my niece and nephew. I've written bits and pieces here and there.

This morning the idea came to me to write children's books about the importance of nutrition. I realize this isn't a new concept, but maybe somehow I can bring a new spin to it.

Then my ultimate dream hit me. I want to write about my experience. Not just my experience, but my sisters' as well. I want to write about my mom and my brother's experience, because it can't be long until they catch on, too. (In fact, I think mom already has...) I want to say, "I have been there. I truly understand. I found hope and inner strength and you can too!"

1 comment:

Nettie Beard said...

Aw gees. Now you're gonna make me cry!