Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Asthma, Inhalers, Sleep Apnea = Good News??

I gotta admit, I don't really even want to post anymore. For one, I don't think anyone even reads this anymore. But also, it's kinda embarrassing to read post after post of "I have new motivation - again!" and remember that my motivation hardly lasted a week. :/

But you've still got to start somewhere, like I said before. One time you'll start and you'll never quit. You have to fail to succeed. My favorite quote comes from Michael Jordan:
I don't like to fail, I don't think anyone does. And for a long time my motto was, if I don't try, I won't fail. But the truth is, if I don't fail I won't succeed!!
So, with many failures behind, and many more ahead, I am trying this again...
At the first of the year (I guess you could call it a New Year's Resolution) I decided I really want to try to get healthy. If I have to do away with the scales, so be it, I just want to focus on feeling great! Most specifically, exercise. With my dad a paraplegic, I realized that my dad can't run. I CAN. I don't like to, it's not comfortable, but I do have the ability to run. He does not. Yet he's still trying and I'm not?? I'm wasting a gift! I have legs that work, I have feet that work. I CAN do this! And I WILL run one day, for my dad.
But there was the thing with my breathing... As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had a complete breakdown while doing Jillian Michael's "Shred". I breathe way faster than Shawn, almost 2 to 1, and the real breaker: I snore. Shawn videoed me snoring and, not only do I snore, I breathe rapidly - while sleeping! Once I saw the video, I realized, for sure, there's a problem here. Maybe it is just me being overweight and out of shape, but I'm going to be sure before I start a workout. So to the doctor I go... He says I have asthma and prescribed me an inhaler. He says my cholestrol is high. Then sends me for a sleep study. I went for the consultation yesterday and, without the sleep study, the doctor there already is quite sure I have sleep apnea.
This has not discouraged me! This is actually ENCOURAGING! For one, there are solutions to all of these problems! Solutions = energy! Not only that, but it takes a tremendous amount of pressure off my shoulders, realizing I'm not morbidly out of shape, I have serious breathing problems. Already my inhaler is helping with my exercise and I'm learning to breathe correctly during exercise, which makes things so much easier!
The doctor gave me a list of reccommendations for foods to eat and avoid, so I'm trying to go by that to an extent... He also told me to exercise 30 minutes a day, which I'm trying to keep up with. I'm scheduled to see him again in a month and he said to lose 4 lbs during that time. I am feeling stronger than ever and more hopeful than ever! I've been looking at the pictures of when I lost a couple of years ago and, instead of guilt and dread, I feel hope and inspiration! Maybe this is it! Maybe this is my success story!!!
On my fridge: "We do not eat healthy to look good or be a size 2, we eat healthy for the future of our family!"

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