Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Proud in spite...

In spite of the pt totals from the last two days, I am UBER proud of myself! :) I got off at 7:00 PM tonight and still went walking! :) It was cold and getting dark, but I managed 1.2 miles. :) Now, if I can only talk myself into getting up 30 minutes earlier so I can walk in the morning instead of at night..... THAT will REALLY be something to be proud of. hahaha

Not so great...

Today and yesterday were not so great days for me. :/ Yesterday I had 47 points and today I've already had 41 points. I'm thinking perhaps I should skip dinner. Or eat some fruit for dinner..

Monday, March 28, 2011


It's amazing how relaxing walking is! I was so stressed by work and just life in general, but after walking a while the tension just melted away. Seriously. I still can't figure out why I have so much trouble sticking with it when I KNOW there's a TON of benefits to it, including better moods. You just feel better!

Trying to decide..

What do you guys think? I weighed 4.8 lbs more when I first started in November with Nettie than when I started again with Amy in February. Do you think I should track since November or just since I started again?

Weigh in...

I lost 2.4! Can you believe, I'm actually disappointed by that number? I'm trying to shake it off, but I'm only .2 lbs less than before I messed up last week. But 2.4 is great and I need to keep that in mind. Plus, I've had a lot of ppl (ok, two or three) ask me if I've lost weight, so NSV! :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

March 24

I think I did good yesterday... It's hard to say, point wise. But this is what I ate:

Oatmeal bar, 6
Turkey Sandwich, 6-8 (guessing..?)
Grapes, 0
Spaghetti (small serving)
Salad, 0
Light poppy seed dressing
Green Beans, 0
Mexican candy (two peices)
Some kind of almonds... (A few, say 10)
Ice Cream (a cup or so..)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shout out!!

Just giving a shout out to my sister, Nettie, who has reached her 25 lb mark!! WOOT WOOT!! : ) Congrats!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pictures are fun!

This is a picture to remind me that pictures are fun to add to an otherwise boring blog. :) This is one of my favorite ww treats.

March 23


1/2 bagel, 6
Coffee, 2

Pretzels, 4
Sandwich, 7
Grapes, 0

Creamy tacos, 17
Frozen yogurt bar, 2

Again, a perfect 38 pts! :) I think I'm starting to get this down... I also walked 1.2 miles again today, but I refuse to use my exercise pts. I think I'm going to go for 1.8 miles tomorrow.. maybe. (The park where I walk is .6 miles each time around)

My cheat peek at the scales this morning was encouraging.. :)

March 22

So yesterday I ate:

WW Pretzels, 4
Snack bar, 2
Crystal Light, 0

Ramen Noodles, 8
Grapes, 0
Crackers, 4

2 Fajitas + chips and salsa, 20

That puts me perfectly at 38 pts. Yay! I was slightly worried I might have gone over.

I also walked yesterday and Monday. 1.2 miles each day.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weigh in...

I don't wanna weigh in! :/ I did AWFUL last week and yesterday's sneak peek was very discouraging....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Another Hurdle

I have a huge challenge ahead for me... I'm organizing our Relay for Life bake sale tomorrow. Meaning I have to bake something AND I have to stand around a bunch of sweet stuff all day. I'll be handling the money, mostly, so during the busy times I won't have a problem. But when we're standing around, doing nothing.... :(

I'm going to try and look at it as a challenge instead of as a sacrifice. Mebe that will help... :)
Wish me luck!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Colds... :P

Much as I hate being sick, my cold helped me out today. I didn't really feel like eating at all, but I did eat a Ramen Noodle for 8 points, a slice of sugar free pie (estimating 3 points) and a coke for 3 points. Along with my 9 pt breakfast, that gives me 23 points. I know, a lot less than I should've eaten, but seriously. I'm not at all hungry. So that means I just have to get through tomorrow and then I'm on to a new week! :)
So yesterday went so-so... I resisted most of the yummy food ending up with a frito chili pie that was supposedly 17 points..? I don't know why I'm having so much trouble believing that.. I really didn't think chili had 9 points, tho... Anyway, I came home and had a smart ones lasagna, using the rest of my points. But later the munchies hit me and I don't even know how to begin calculating those points since it was a bite of this and a snitch of that.... I'd probably be fine, tho, if I didn't go over at all for the next two days. I cheated and weighed this morning... I'm excited, but then again... I did that last week and in the end it didn't go as well as I thought... : / Oh well, anyway...

This morning I made something new! Not entirely original, but... I bought these thin bagels a few days ago... I ate one with cream cheese and it was pretty nasty. Well, I got to thinking about how good a breakfast sandwhich they'd make. One only has 3 points! So this morning I made an egg, cheese, and salami (Sounds gross, but wasn't) bagel. I think altogether it was 7 points. (3 for the bagel, 2 for the egg, 1 for the cheese, and 1 for the salami) Since I haven't actually checked the points on the salami I can't be certain....

Anyway. Now it's 3:30 and, besides the coffee with breakfast, I haven't eaten anything else... So 30 points left for the entire evening and no money to go buy fatening food. :) I should do good today, but it's amazing how miraculously you can blow your diet... Even when it seems impossible..... haha

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ug- wait... Using weekly allowance points...

Well, we started the day off right with:
1/2 Bagel, 4
1 T Cream cheese, 1
Coffee, 2
Snack bar, 2

Then 1st oops:
Skittles, 7 Seven points!!! :(

Nasty Ramen noodles, Less than 7 (I couldn't eat them all...)

And then....
Judy wanted to go to Arby's. I was going to take her and just let her get something and eat my healthy choice meal when I got home. She wouldn't go for it. So....

Arby's Chicken tender meal, 26.......

Then I had to make cookies for a fundraiser... (Nettie, you'll find a new recipe in your recipe "box")
Cookies, 15
Oh, and coke, 3

67 total pts! :( That means 67-39=28 weekly points!

This would be ok, if tomorrow's fundraiser didn't consist of biscuits and gravy, frito chili pie, and desserts galore... all of which are my favorites!! : / But tomorrow is a new day, free (right now) of mistakes.. I'll just take it one decision at a time....

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9th

Snack bar, 2
Crystal light, 0

Cheeseburger, 12
Fries, 11
Dr Pepper, 3

GV Lame meal, 9
WW Strawberry popsicle thingy, 3

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I came home and ate a 7 pt healthy choice meal and some strawberries with a tad of sugar... problem: I'm still hungry... : /

: /

I can't figure out how many points is in white cheese dip, like Mexican Restaurant style cheese dip. : / That was lunch for me today... Not good, I know... But not as bad as the 8 points worth of chocolate I ate after that.. :P I think there's still redemption for this day, but I need to know how many points is in white cheese dip... So let me know if you find anything....

Update: (Since it won't let me comment...)
According to the nutrition value I found, a cup of the cheese dip is 6 points. The fiber wasn't listed (I doubt it had a significant amount anyway..) and that's not counting the chips. Does that seem right?? I'm not sure what I think... Kinda seems low to me... But when you consider all the chips I ate, which adds another 8 points or so.. I guess it's probably about right.. Sheesh! I'm gonna have to eat salad tonight!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fried chicken..

Ok, let's start out with what I had before dinner.....

Smoothie, 0
Coffee, 2 (only I didn't drink much of it, so probably not even 2..)

Healthy Choice, 6
Snack bar, 2
Dr Pepper, 4

Ok, That's 14 points. So that leaves 25 for Fried chicken, Fried potatos, salad, and a WW ice cream bar. I THINK that's actually enough! :)

March 4th

I fried chicken for supper last night. :P I didn't even try to figure my points... But I ate almost nothing during the day, so I'm thinking there might actually be hope! I should figure it, just so I know.. maybe later.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Snack bar (I know, not the best choice), 2
Coffee (creamer), 2

WW Slider, 5

Chips, 4
Cheese dip, 4

Supper (at a friend's):
Pizza Hut pepperoni stuffed crust (YUM!!), 20 (2 slices @ 10 ea)
Drinks, 8

= 45, 6 points over daily total
Could've been better, but also coulda been worse. I'm ok with that.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Titles are dumb

I get tired of making up titles for my posts. haha. :) Esp since I'm using this as my tracker keeper thingy...

Protein Bar, 5
Coffee, 2

Smart Ones quesadillas, 10

Mcdonald's Double Cheeseburger, 12
Small fries, 6

Four points short!! Woot woot!
I would use them, but I'm trying to work on resisting sugar... And I'm not hungry.


Every time I make a bad choice it involves sugar...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day.. Um.. I lost count...


McDonald's Sausage Burrito, 8

Tortilla Chips, 4
Salsa, 0
Apple, 0
WW Peanut Butter bliss bar, 2

Lasagna, 10
Texas toast, 8
Salad, 0
Ranch, 4
Strawberry Cream Slush, 10

So. I went 7 points over. Considering all the food I ate tonight, I'm not too disappointed. Shoulda skipped the ice cream. I knew I should've... But that's ok. I have the weekly allowance points.