Saturday, March 12, 2011

So yesterday went so-so... I resisted most of the yummy food ending up with a frito chili pie that was supposedly 17 points..? I don't know why I'm having so much trouble believing that.. I really didn't think chili had 9 points, tho... Anyway, I came home and had a smart ones lasagna, using the rest of my points. But later the munchies hit me and I don't even know how to begin calculating those points since it was a bite of this and a snitch of that.... I'd probably be fine, tho, if I didn't go over at all for the next two days. I cheated and weighed this morning... I'm excited, but then again... I did that last week and in the end it didn't go as well as I thought... : / Oh well, anyway...

This morning I made something new! Not entirely original, but... I bought these thin bagels a few days ago... I ate one with cream cheese and it was pretty nasty. Well, I got to thinking about how good a breakfast sandwhich they'd make. One only has 3 points! So this morning I made an egg, cheese, and salami (Sounds gross, but wasn't) bagel. I think altogether it was 7 points. (3 for the bagel, 2 for the egg, 1 for the cheese, and 1 for the salami) Since I haven't actually checked the points on the salami I can't be certain....

Anyway. Now it's 3:30 and, besides the coffee with breakfast, I haven't eaten anything else... So 30 points left for the entire evening and no money to go buy fatening food. :) I should do good today, but it's amazing how miraculously you can blow your diet... Even when it seems impossible..... haha

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