Sunday, July 31, 2011


So I decided to go ahead and create a separate blog for tracking. Keep this blog more of a journal. Check it out at Watch me Lose - Tracker. (Nettie and Amy, I have this set up so you still get the emails.)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tracking 7/30/11

Thinking perhaps I should start a blog just for tracking.....

Sausage biscuit, 11 (eh.. it said with lg biscuit or reg biscuit...I didn't know there were two sizes.. I'm going with reg..)

Chalupa, 11

Chicken tacos, 6
Tomatoes, 0
Drink, 7

Total: 35

I have learned... I don't need a lot of variety. I'm past the mental block of quantity. I just need it to taste good. I'm really not even addicted to food, I just have to focus a little. I don't crave things very often. Rarely do I feel like just eating anything and most of my problems come in when other ppl are eating.

Tracking 7/30/11

Tracking 7/29/11

Kashi bar, 4
Lean Cuisine pizza, 9
Fruit, 0

Dinner consisted of:
3 chicken strips
some fries
Drink that was probably 6 points at least..

But the scales went down, so I guess I didn't do too bad.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tracking 7/28/11

Granola mix, 6

Ham, 3
1/2 Roll, 2
Tomatoes, 0
Green Beans, 0 (pretty proud of myself for eating as many as I did. But then I started gagging and had to stop. Ick.)
Pickle, 0
Carrots, 0
Mashed potatoes, 3
Deviled egg, 4 (remind me not to eat deviled eggs... :P)
Cookie, 4
(This was at a dinner after a funeral. 15 points total! I took a pic of my plate so I could track later. I'm so freakin proud of myself!!! :)

Chicken wrap, 6
Slushy, 1

Total: 28 points

I have 7 points left! Yay! Cause I'm hungry still. :)

And I ate a small tot for 6 points, leaving 1 point left over for that bite of apple pie I took. :)

BTW: If you decide not to eat some of your food (or the person across the table from you has some really yummy looking apple pie they're not going to eat that's tempting you. haha) just pile it all together until it looks really gross. :) Be sure and mix sweet with salty. :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So I was informed that 5 lb weights were WAY too much and I was crazy for trying. :) In my defense, they're perfect for the granny workout I WAS doing. Anyway. So the other day I went and bought 3 lb weights, after using the can chili I'd been using for a 2 lb weight. lol.

So now I have red weights like my background! :D

Tracking 7/27/11

I've had horrible trouble keeping the date straight this week for some reason....

I ate...
Granola mix, 6

Chicken & Honey mustard wrap, 6

I bought this grilled chicken that's already cooked. It's only 3 points a serving! I'm so excited about it! Now I just need a scale so I know how much an oz is...

Total: 12

Ugh! I did it again! 12 points left me with 23 unused points at 8:30 PM...
So I had Creamy Tacos again. :D for 18 pts
And a drink for 4 points.

Call the peanuts and m&ms 1 pt and you get...
Total: 35

I should do that thing where I start with supper and end with lunch so I don't save points for supper and then not want to use them...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tracking 7/26/11

Honey Bun, 6
Cinnamon Roll, 10 (estimated..)
(Terrible Breakfast, I know. Long story..)

Eggroll, 4

Nut Mix, 6 (Yummy!)

McDouble, 10
Total: 36

Such a healthy day.. :P
I took a 2 mile walk, tho. :) And I did the shred this morning.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Tracking 7/25/11

Oops. I got my dates off.. Oh well.

Kashi Granola bar, 4
M&M's, 1

Lean Cuisine Spinach dip and pita bread, 5
Fritos, 4
Slice o cheese, 2

Total: 16
Left: 19
Shooot. I got a ton o points left over. I don't want to eat a ton at 9:20! But the rules state I must track and I must try to eat all my points... Where's the cheesecake??? :)

Creamy tacos, 18
Slushy, 1

And... I just ate one of my shred weights and accidentally opened the other one... lol

Makes me feel better.. :)

Here's the dress, Before and now.
1. Check out my legs! Darker AND skinnier! :)
2. It took me a while to figure this out.. The waistline fits lower! Like, where it's supposed to go! :) 

Weigh in...

I gained a pound. I could just cry!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I want to eat!! I'm not hungry, I just want to eat. I want to eat anything and everything! I want refried beans. I've been, like, craving them lately. Weird, huh? Anyway. I need to go shower and do something to get my mind off food!!

Tracking 7/23/11

1/2 nasty chicken wrap, 4

Peanut M&Ms, 12 (great source of protein! :D)
McDouble, 10
Strawberry slushy, 1 (if that. The only points being in the tiny bit of sugar in the Koolaid)

Total: 27

Well, I went to mom and dad's this evening.. They had lots of fruit that looked ever so yummy!! I did great, probably stayed within the 8 points, even with my tacos (corn tortilla, shredded bbq pork, and pico de gallo) and guac.... But then... They brought out the cookies.... and the ice cream.... :( Maybe I had enough weekly points left over to cover me... Maybe.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tracking 7/22/11

2 Biscuits w butter, 9
Sausage, 7
Drink, 4

Chick-fil-a, 20

Total: 40

Yup, Better do a workout today... 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Potluck Today... :P

I didn't attempt to track. Sorry, Amy. I'm just not as dedicated as you are. But I am not going to eat any dinner, so perhaps that will help balance it out a tad.... I did have serious thoughts about shredding again tonight, but I seriously hate shredding... :P

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tracking 7/21/11

So far...

I've had..
1 Kashi Breakfast bar, 4 (all kinds of nuts! Gross, but good for you! :)

Peanuts and M&Ms, 4 (just a few...)
Pretzels, 2 (just a few)

Lean Pocket yummy pretzel thing, 7
Starbursts, 2

19 total

Dinner at mom's (yay!) yet to come...
Mom's Yummy-licious dinner consisted of:
2 tacos (Ground deer, a bit of beans, a smidge of sour cream, a sprinkle of cheese, lettuce, cilantro, tomatoes)
2 Graham crackers with a Nutella-like spread (Not Nutella brand..)
1/2 c 2% milk

Now, I'm not certain how many points that comes out to be, but I'm thinking that's within the 16 remaining points. That's not counting my 5 activity points.

I have a dream..

Back when I first joined WW I determined in myself that, if I ever got to my goal weight, I would become a WW leader. Since then my determination to share the experience I have gained through this has grown. I want this to become my career. My mind has toyed with different ways that I could use the experience. A fitness instructor? Teach a class on nutrition? There's a lot of possibilities..

I have a dream to be a writer. I'm nowhere near professional, but I would love to become a professional. I've toyed with the idea of children's books. I've written a story for my niece and nephew. I've written bits and pieces here and there.

This morning the idea came to me to write children's books about the importance of nutrition. I realize this isn't a new concept, but maybe somehow I can bring a new spin to it.

Then my ultimate dream hit me. I want to write about my experience. Not just my experience, but my sisters' as well. I want to write about my mom and my brother's experience, because it can't be long until they catch on, too. (In fact, I think mom already has...) I want to say, "I have been there. I truly understand. I found hope and inner strength and you can too!"

Just remembering...

I just remembered day one. Well, anyway, day one of starting again... I started first in November, then kinda fell off the band wagon when I moved back to AR. In February we all started blogging and that was the first day. Wow, I've come a long way from there!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tracking 7/20/11

My daily allowance has lowered to 35 points.

Today I ate:
1 bag of pretzels, 4

1 Lean Cuisine Spinach dip and pita bread *YUM!*, 5
1 Eggroll, 4

Cheetos, 9

2 Corn dogs, 8
Drink, 5

Total: 35
Game hasn't started yet. I'm not eating my activity points. :D

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Walking and goals

So I just kicked my activity goal in the butt! I wanted to walk 5 miles and I have done it! I want to start doing it regularly, maybe once a week, but I'm gonna have to wait for it to cool down.. Either that or join a gym... My $$ are already squealing, so I think not...

I need a new activity goal, but I'm not sure what. Thinking maybe it should involve jogging, but I'm not sure I'm up to something that big... I would definitely have to build up to it.

I debated on my new weight loss goal, and I guess I will go with another 25 lbs, or 50 lbs total. This will put me right next door to One-derland! (Ok, so I just told you how much I weighed at the beginning of this thing. :P Oh, well. That's what I USED to weigh! :)

Thinking of doing a little competition between me and my sisters... We need some motivation...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Weigh in..

Lost 2.8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First Goal Met!!! I have lost 26.2 lbs!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I'm SOOOOO Excited!!!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Feeling good!

Several reasons...

1) My sneak peek weigh in was promising (I shouldn't do this, I'm gonna be mad tomorrow if my official weigh in isn't what I want it to be..)

2) Several ppl told me today and yesterday they could tell I'd lost weight and I looked really good. One person told me, "you're beautiful. Don't forget that". (Too bad it wasn't Prince Charming, but much appreciated, nonetheless... :) I got to brag on Nettie and Amy, too, because they've lost just as much as me. :)

3) When I looked in the mirror a second ago I looked so skinny I had to go check my bathroom mirror and make sure my full length mirror hadn't gotten warped from Judy borrowing it. :)

I shoulda done shred a second ago when I was feelin it, since I haven't gotten in any exercise the past 3 days, but I've decided as long as I'm getting in 3-4 days a week (Esp as long as I'm doing the Shred!) I'm not going to beat myself up over it. Esp on days like today when I don't really have a chance to do it.

Goals this week: Walk 5 miles, start tracking again.

Friday, July 15, 2011


I'm getting impatient and frustrated. I want to be skinny NOW!

Today was a bad day. I started the day by eating an iced honey bun that ended up being a woppin 17 points!! I knew it was going to be bad, but I didn't know it was going to be half a day's worth! I couldn't decide if I should starve (not literally) myself and work out twice or just scrap today. Well, I made the irresponsible decision to scrap today, which I regretted about halfway through my calorie-laden sandwich. I stopped eating right there and threw the rest away, but I'm just so mad at myself for eating that crap.

I'm mad, to the point that I feel like I could do the Shred twice and jog 5 miles. I probably won't, but I wish I could.

Maybe this will be the final snap I need to get me to pay attention to what I'm eating. Maybe I'll start exercising even more. I certainly hope so, because I'm tired of being fat! I'm tired of being stuck at the same weight, up and down.... I'm ready to live life to the fullest without fat rolls holding me back!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Skinny people

I'm really getting tired of skinny ppl who don't understand what it is to be majorly overweight. From exercising to just how ppl perceive you, they just don't get it. And when they make a joke about it and it's clear that they don't realize being fat is not a joke for us. It's real life. We face it every day.


I jogged for, like, a minute and a half!! :) Ok, not a lot, but a start! :) And it wasn't too bad, except it killed my shins.

(I'm terrified of jogging, so this is a big step for me.)

Tracking. I MUST START TRACKING!! :/ I'm not losing and I know why. Work has been really stressful and I've been stress eating, along with not tracking... And it's just not working! I have goals that need to be met!

Tomorrow is a bachelorette party.. I guess I should eat on the way..

Monday, July 11, 2011

Weigh in..

1.4 lbs lost!

And eggrolls are only 4 points each! :D (the kind I bought, anyway..)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Say no to coke!

Well, I just drank the last of the soda in my fridge. I'm ending up with a headache every day anyway. (I've been to the chiropractor, no help.. Next stop: The eye doctor..) So it is time! I am dropping soda!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weigh in..

So frustrating... I gained this week.. 2.6 lbs. :( Oh, and I was only 0.4 away from goal. I've been saying 0.6... :(

I think part of it may have been the Shred (blame it on Jillian. :) but if I'm completely honest, I didn't eat as good as I should've either..

I guess I'm gonna have to start tracking, if Amy is right about the necessity of eating activity points...