Friday, July 15, 2011


I'm getting impatient and frustrated. I want to be skinny NOW!

Today was a bad day. I started the day by eating an iced honey bun that ended up being a woppin 17 points!! I knew it was going to be bad, but I didn't know it was going to be half a day's worth! I couldn't decide if I should starve (not literally) myself and work out twice or just scrap today. Well, I made the irresponsible decision to scrap today, which I regretted about halfway through my calorie-laden sandwich. I stopped eating right there and threw the rest away, but I'm just so mad at myself for eating that crap.

I'm mad, to the point that I feel like I could do the Shred twice and jog 5 miles. I probably won't, but I wish I could.

Maybe this will be the final snap I need to get me to pay attention to what I'm eating. Maybe I'll start exercising even more. I certainly hope so, because I'm tired of being fat! I'm tired of being stuck at the same weight, up and down.... I'm ready to live life to the fullest without fat rolls holding me back!


Grace said...

Thanks Amy! :) Loneliness didn't, but dinner with a friend wasn't that great on the ol' pooches.. Tomorrow is a new day!! :) I will eat lots of protein before I go to the wedding. :D

Nettie Beard said...

I think it's time for some serious motivation and intervention for ourselves and each other. What are you two doing next weekend? Grace, can you come up? Amy could you either come up or meet us in Joplin? I think we need to get together, vent out our frustrations, and then motivate each other to get back on track. Let me know!

Grace said...

Sounds good to me! Remind me to check to see if I work... Oh, and I'll have to check the wallet, too.