Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tracking 7/28/11

Granola mix, 6

Ham, 3
1/2 Roll, 2
Tomatoes, 0
Green Beans, 0 (pretty proud of myself for eating as many as I did. But then I started gagging and had to stop. Ick.)
Pickle, 0
Carrots, 0
Mashed potatoes, 3
Deviled egg, 4 (remind me not to eat deviled eggs... :P)
Cookie, 4
(This was at a dinner after a funeral. 15 points total! I took a pic of my plate so I could track later. I'm so freakin proud of myself!!! :)

Chicken wrap, 6
Slushy, 1

Total: 28 points

I have 7 points left! Yay! Cause I'm hungry still. :)

And I ate a small tot for 6 points, leaving 1 point left over for that bite of apple pie I took. :)

BTW: If you decide not to eat some of your food (or the person across the table from you has some really yummy looking apple pie they're not going to eat that's tempting you. haha) just pile it all together until it looks really gross. :) Be sure and mix sweet with salty. :)


Grace said...

I know. :D I was just being a brat. :)

Thanks for making us track! I'm confident I'm going to do well this week, thanks to you! Even with dinner plans tomorrow night. :)

Grace said...

Sometimes it gets old. haha. But rarely and mostly just cause I know you're right but I'm being lazy. :D

Grace said...

Hope I didn't detract from the feel good moment!! I love that you try to help me, even tho I'm hard headed and rebellious. :)

Nettie Beard said...

Way to go!!!