Tuesday, December 13, 2011


So I was going to try and start ww again today... I tracked breakfast and lunch... But then my dad and I made peanut butter balls... Mmmmmm... Anyway..

My sister and I plan to go to a meeting next Monday, so maybe that'll get us reinspired. Or, I should say, me... She's a real trooper! She's stuck with it while the rest of us dawdled and some of us stopped... Hats off to Amy! :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Weigh in...

I lost two lbs last week! I'm back on the Shred. Apparently that's helping. It's about time something happens. I haven't made any progress for 3 months now. :/ At least I haven't gained!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Weigh in...

Ok, to catch you up to date...
On 10/24/11, my weigh in said I lost 2 lbs. This brought me to 40 lbs total. I knew I'd been eating terrible and there wasn't much of a chance that was very accurate, but I was excited to be at 40 lbs and I figured, if the scales said it, I could claim it...

Well.. I continued eating terribly (I don't know why..I just got stuck in this bad eating rut.. I think because I wasn't exercising...) and the next weigh in said I gained 5 lbs... This was 11/1/11. I refused to talk about it, promising myself I would make up for it the next week...

Today is next week and today said the same as last week. And I ate terrible again last week. Leading me to believe there is something up with my scales... Or, well, my weight fluctuation anyway.. I don't think it's entirely inaccurate.. But things like, I normally weigh in around 8:00 and it was 10:30 when I weighed on 10/24/11 kinda make a difference...

Anyway.. All that being said, I'm gonna keep my mind on the 35 lbs behind me, not the 5 lbs jumping around, and set my mind on going forward! :)

Now, I've started the shred again, so I'm not looking for any kind of good loss, quite possibly a gain. But for a couple of weeks, it's just going to have to be that way because I have GOT to get active again!!!

So that's my story, and that's where I'm at. :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Weigh in...

This week I only lost .2. But I'm grateful for the loss! :) With a long weekend out of town, I was a little worried I'd gained! If I'd have worked out, it would've been better, but that's ok.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weigh in...

I lost 2.8 this week!! OMG, I'm so excited!!! :) :) :)
I am only 2.2 lbs from 40 lbs total!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Broken Laptop :/ New Number :)

My laptop is broken. More accurately, my laptop cord is broken. Anyway. This has prevented me from posting anything on here. Well, technically.. :) I can post at work, but we've been busy at work, too. ANYWAY!!!!!!! I'm finally getting caught up and hopefully I'll be getting a new cord soon... :)

New number: I saw a new number on my scales today! I'm LESS than prevacay!!! :) Now, I gotta be good all weekend so I don't gain it back. :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Weigh in...

Gained 0.2 lbs. I'm pretty excited about this, because A) I moved this week and it was crazy trying to eat right. B) I thought this morning it was a .6 gain, but I was wrong about what I weighed last week. So I'm doing better than I thought! :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Weigh in...

Lost 1.8! :) I'm back at pre-vacay weight finally! :) Well, not exactly, but I'm calling it that since I weighed on Friday instead of Monday. :) So now it's time to make some REAL progress!

(BTW: We get 1.8 a lot around here.. Ever notice that?)

NSV: A random person from another department at the bank told me in the elevator this morning that I looked good! :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Weigh in...

...and other stuff. :)

WI: I lost 2 lbs! :)
(In all fairness, I thought last week's weigh in was a bit heavy and I was sick all day yesterday.. So I'm gonna take it as a win, but you shouldn't let it get you down. :)

I know I just posted these pics, but my sisters and I have decided we need to find our motivation again. Part of our plan to find it was to post before/after pics. (I do this all the time. They don't. :) After an invigorating workout and a good weigh in (despite the fact that I ate HORRIBLY last week) I feel prepared to take on this week! :)

Let's do this thing!!! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cheer from Aunt Mary :)

Cheer! Cheer! for no thunder thighs!
We will go walkin - the fat will all fly!
Then these waistlines will go in
And we will all be thin again!  Yeah!

Love Aunt Mary's cheers! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Something positive

Someone I haven't talked to in months (except maybe a comment here or there on fb..) chatted me last night and told me I was a real encouragement to them with their exercise. It really meant a lot to me. This is what you call an NSV. The idea that I can help motivate ppl is so foreign to me, but it's exciting!

Weigh in...

I don't wanna talk about it... :P

I thought I did so well yesterday and I gained a lb. :( I'm just really sad right now... I'd hoped to be closer to pre-vacation weigh in by now...

Monday, September 12, 2011


I just worked out for the first time since vacation. Gosh, I really got soft! Well, and I'm congested, so that didn't help. I've got some work to do, tho!

Weigh in...

I've decided to move my official weigh in day to Tuesday, to be in synch with my sisters. So tomorrow I will weigh in.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thank Goodness for Before and After Pics!

I'm gonna be honest. I saw the pics of the trip and my heart sank. I didn't look nearly as skinny as I'd envisioned myself. Remember, I rarely see snapshots of myself. I see what I want to see in the mirror. Snapshots are not as kind as a mirror can be. Snapshots pretty much tell the truth of the matter.

So even tho I had ppl telling me left and right I looked good, the pics from vacation just didn't make me feel that great.

Then I started comparing them to my before pics. Suddenly, they looked really good!! I feel like I post before/after pics all the time on here, but I'm gonna do it again. :) Just so you can see what I'm saying.... I mean, gosh! just look at my smile and you can tell a difference! Confidence is way higher!! :)

Same skirt, btw.. With two pins in the current pic.. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


So.. I walked this morning... I did NOT feel like it (been sick) but I drug myself out anyway. It was brrr cold. (50s)

But I'm terrified of quitting, so I got back out there. The quicker I get back on track, the less likely I am to quit.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Negative activity points..?

Do you get negative activity points if you sit around and literally do nothing all day? I feel like I should.. I've been such a bum today. In my defense, I wasn't feeling the best. But this day was a pure waste... At least I didn't eat a ton...

Monday, September 5, 2011


Well, I'm back from Virginia, tho vacation isn't technically over for me until Wednesday. I'm terrified to see how much I've gained.. I don't think I've done too bad, but a gain is still a gain.. I'm not going to enter it into my ticker, tho, until next Monday. Gives me a chance to bounce back.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Well, the last three days I have literally eaten whatever I wanted. Way too much. : / It's starting to freak me out. Like, weight loss was a crazy dream a hundred years ago. Which is causing me to panic! Must get back on track!!!!

Tho.. Honestly (and embarrassingly...) I think I've still done better than I used to do on a normal, every day basis....

Friday, August 26, 2011

Weigh in...

I lost 4.4....

BUT! Here's the tricky part: I weigh in on Mondays usually. And, of course, over the weekend I gain every time... So if I were to weigh in on Monday again, I'm sure it wouldn't look that good. But since I will be traveling Monday, I'm gonna go with this. :) Maybe it'll help inspire me not to gorge while on vacation.

Speaking of vacation... I probably won't officially weigh in again until Monday, September 12th.. That'll give me a chance to work on the vacation weight before having to post that depressing number... :P

Actually, tho, I'm going to be with a bunch of weight watchers the whole time, so hopefully we won't gain too much..... Tho, with just the eating I plan on doing the next 3 days I could easily gain back that 4.4... Oh, well! For now I'm going to revel in the fact that I have semi-officially lost 35+ lbs!!! :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Junk Food

Today I went and bought a bunch of junk to kick off my vacation with. As soon as I got in the car I instantly regretted it. I could feel the pounds leaping on at just the thought of eating Ben and Jerry's Half Baked *Even if it does taste like heaven!*.

Between that and forgetting to eat lunch today, I think I really have kicked my food addiction! But last time I said this I started getting HUNGRY all the time....

I really don't crave junk food very often anymore, tho.. That could be because I eat a lot of crappy food and really just want home cooked meals most of the time.......

Maybe I should hire a cook... hahaha!! But seriously. I need to put more effort into my food...


So. I have this thing where I watch other ppl's feet that are walking the track with me (Esp ppl who've passed me) to see how much faster they're going. Sometimes I try to keep up. Well, there's been several times that ppl who pass me are walking slower than me, in their steps. Less steps. This one dude walks the same amount of steps as me, but he's faster, much faster than me. So I have decided their legs are longer. I try taking bigger steps, and it helps..

But my question: if the dude who is walking faster than me is actually taking the same amount of steps per minute, are we burning the same calories per mile? Or am I burning more, because it's actually going to take me more steps to get the mile. OR! Is he burning more, because he's bigger (and he's male..)?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Here's hoping!

My sneak peek weigh-in wasn't promising, but according to my tracking, I didn't use all of my weekly allowance.... Plus I didn't use any of my activity points and I walked 5 miles yesterday, not to mention the rest of my exercise earlier in the week... I'm hoping that tomorrow's weigh-in will be more favorable.. Fingers crossed!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

5 Miles Down! :)

So I decided at some point that I was going to walk 5 miles today before I went to work at 12:00. This meant I had to get up at 8:00 and anyone who knows me knows I don't like to get up early on Saturday.. (Yes, 8:00 is early for a Saturday.) I was a little worried I'd end up choosing sleep over exercise.

Well, wadya know, but I was up before 8:00! I was up before my alarm ever went off. Got out there a little before 8:30 and kicked that 5 miles in the butt! :) About halfway through it just didn't feel challenging enough so I jogged a little. A very little, but the point is... That was the only time my heart rate got up the whole time. Granted, I wasn't walking very fast... Less than 4 mph.. But still. I'm pretty excited about the progress I've made. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

30 Day Walking Challenge

Today I started the 30 day walking challenge with my sisters, mom, and 3 friends. I have two groups, actually. Mom + sisters in one and friends in the other. I'm helping to keep 7 ppl motivated and that makes me feel really great. I'm excited!

So today I walked 30 minutes, which, in distance, was just under 2 miles. Then I came home and did the WW Workout, which seemed like a granny workout at one time, but today actually had me slightly exhausted. I'm blaming it on the fact that I walked first, plus I'm not used to those particular moves anymore. When it gets too easy again I'll move on to something else. I discovered, tho, that you can really intensify a workout by picking up some weights! I wasn't strong enough to hold them through the whole workout (more like, for about 30 seconds or so...) but I can do that, too, when the workout gets "too easy".

I'd like to take my weights walking with me, but I'm afraid I'd wear myself out and then not have a place to put the weights...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I just realized the weight loss tracker will keep a history of your weigh ins, IF you change the date every time. I haven't been changing the date. : / And I didn't keep track of what I weighed when anywhere else, so all I have to go by is my weigh ins. : / From here forward, tho, I will be keeping track!

Complete 30 day Shred - Check! :)

I have officially completed the 30 day Shred!! Yay! I'm so glad to say goodbye to Jillian. Tho, it really seems weird.... I'll probably do it again at some point.. I may wait until I've lost another 50 lbs, tho, before trying it again.. It would be a lot more do-able at that weight than now..

I have to say, I should thank Jillian at least for showing me what I'm capable of. If you woulda just told me I was capable of those things, I woulda laughed in your face. I woulda said, Do you SEE these fat rolls? I ain't doin those things!

Granted, I did not do the Shred every single day... I've debated whether or not it even mattered if I went 30 days or not. But I decided I had to at least feel I'd conquered it on some level, so... :) Call it conquered!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I just robbed Lane Bryant! :D
Ok, not really. But I had a $10 rewards check and they have a promotion going where if you text them they'll give you 25% off your purchase. I'm sure that I'll be getting endless tm from them now, but oh well. I can probably unsubscribe. So anyway, my purchase that I just knew was going to be at least $60.00 (even tho everything I had was 60% off) came out to be $21.00. Sah-WEET!! :)

PLUS! I can't wear their 20s anymore! :D I'm in a LB 18 officially. :) 

Shouldn't be much longer til I can't wear their clothes anymore. I feel a little sad, since I feel like LB has been my only friend in the Plus size industry. But soon I'll be friends with all the superficial skinny stores and this is one time I don't mind having superficial friends. :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Weigh in...

I gained 1 lb. I really expected it to be worse, so I'm ok with that. Plus, I'm still at a 30+ loss, so. :)

Here we go again! I'm gonna rock this week! :) Watch out, ladies!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

For inspiration...

I went and found a before pic and an after pic.
There's not a whole lot of before pics, and I realized why. I would do anything I could to get out of pictures before. If you ever notice, every single picture that was taken "before" I have an "if you must.." look on my face. I hated pictures. And for a good reason! They spoke the truth! They said, Grace, you cannot eat a ton of crap and expect to look good. You look terrible and you need to do something about it. I took a lot of close ups around that time, trying to convince myself I looked good. And I got a few close ups that looked pretty good. But the truth was still there, and I couldn't avoid it.

These days, the truth is, I have a LONG ways to go, but I have come a LONG way! Mostly emotionally, but I have made some visible progress as well. I feel confident and attractive, and I am, but we're not finished yet. I'm going to be stunning before this journey comes to a close. Well, and as long as I'm human I reckon I'll fight the urge to eat. But hopefully I can look back over the journey and see the before pics and realize, food is not everything, food is here to survive off of, not for entertainment. It does not make life more enjoyable. In the end, it only makes you miserable if you let it.

Bring on next week! I'm ready to make some more good choices! :)


Well, this week's a bust. I haven't weighed in officially, but I don't need the scales to tell me... One bad choice led to another... I don't even want to talk about it. The terrible part is, I don't really feel all that guilty! I'm a little terrified by how un-guilty I feel. I've been on track and fallen off so many times, and this feels a lot like that. So I'm off to read over my  blogs and contemplate on how far I've come and find my determination again! :) Please, leave any kind of encouragement you can! :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sugar. Ugh

It seems sugar may be creeping back into my life... Guess I need to watch that...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I put on a shirt this morning and had to change because it was too big!! :) This is a shirt I've had for quite some time, so that was pretty exciting. :)

Weigh in...

I weighed in today instead of yesterday since I wasn't confident that Amy's scales were right on with mine.
I lost 1.8 lbs! : )

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sweet NSV!

This weekend I was at Amy and John's for Kenny's b'day party. I went to a Chinese buffet with some friends. I didn't really try to eat right. But I figured all my points and I didn't go over my weekly allowance! This means I've learned to make smarter decisions without giving it much thought. I also can't eat nearly as much as I used to could, so that helps.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Eating. :P

OK... I have GOT to start doing something different... I get to the end of the day, 8:30 at night, and I have 17 points left!!! I don't want to eat 17 points this late! :P

I seriously am so over eating. Haha. The pun just hit me. From overeating to over eating. :) Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, if I didn't get hungry, I just wouldn't eat. I rarely actually feel like eating these days... I have to force myself to eat.

I need to start getting up at 7:00, eat a nice healthy breakfast, and have plenty of time for workout, etc... But I really have trouble getting up any earlier than I have to...

I also want to start tracking with supper instead of breakfast (so one day's points would go from dinner to lunch the next day.) so I can use up all the extra points on lunch or snacks instead of late at night. But I'm not sure how to start that...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I got tired of eating twice today. I kinda like having to force myself to eat enough... :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weigh in...

I lost 4.2 lbs! :)

(These weigh ins like this kinda worry me for the next week. But I'm still excited! :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011


So I decided to go ahead and create a separate blog for tracking. Keep this blog more of a journal. Check it out at Watch me Lose - Tracker. (Nettie and Amy, I have this set up so you still get the emails.)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tracking 7/30/11

Thinking perhaps I should start a blog just for tracking.....

Sausage biscuit, 11 (eh.. it said with lg biscuit or reg biscuit...I didn't know there were two sizes.. I'm going with reg..)

Chalupa, 11

Chicken tacos, 6
Tomatoes, 0
Drink, 7

Total: 35

I have learned... I don't need a lot of variety. I'm past the mental block of quantity. I just need it to taste good. I'm really not even addicted to food, I just have to focus a little. I don't crave things very often. Rarely do I feel like just eating anything and most of my problems come in when other ppl are eating.

Tracking 7/30/11

Tracking 7/29/11

Kashi bar, 4
Lean Cuisine pizza, 9
Fruit, 0

Dinner consisted of:
3 chicken strips
some fries
Drink that was probably 6 points at least..

But the scales went down, so I guess I didn't do too bad.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tracking 7/28/11

Granola mix, 6

Ham, 3
1/2 Roll, 2
Tomatoes, 0
Green Beans, 0 (pretty proud of myself for eating as many as I did. But then I started gagging and had to stop. Ick.)
Pickle, 0
Carrots, 0
Mashed potatoes, 3
Deviled egg, 4 (remind me not to eat deviled eggs... :P)
Cookie, 4
(This was at a dinner after a funeral. 15 points total! I took a pic of my plate so I could track later. I'm so freakin proud of myself!!! :)

Chicken wrap, 6
Slushy, 1

Total: 28 points

I have 7 points left! Yay! Cause I'm hungry still. :)

And I ate a small tot for 6 points, leaving 1 point left over for that bite of apple pie I took. :)

BTW: If you decide not to eat some of your food (or the person across the table from you has some really yummy looking apple pie they're not going to eat that's tempting you. haha) just pile it all together until it looks really gross. :) Be sure and mix sweet with salty. :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So I was informed that 5 lb weights were WAY too much and I was crazy for trying. :) In my defense, they're perfect for the granny workout I WAS doing. Anyway. So the other day I went and bought 3 lb weights, after using the can chili I'd been using for a 2 lb weight. lol.

So now I have red weights like my background! :D

Tracking 7/27/11

I've had horrible trouble keeping the date straight this week for some reason....

I ate...
Granola mix, 6

Chicken & Honey mustard wrap, 6

I bought this grilled chicken that's already cooked. It's only 3 points a serving! I'm so excited about it! Now I just need a scale so I know how much an oz is...

Total: 12

Ugh! I did it again! 12 points left me with 23 unused points at 8:30 PM...
So I had Creamy Tacos again. :D for 18 pts
And a drink for 4 points.

Call the peanuts and m&ms 1 pt and you get...
Total: 35

I should do that thing where I start with supper and end with lunch so I don't save points for supper and then not want to use them...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tracking 7/26/11

Honey Bun, 6
Cinnamon Roll, 10 (estimated..)
(Terrible Breakfast, I know. Long story..)

Eggroll, 4

Nut Mix, 6 (Yummy!)

McDouble, 10
Total: 36

Such a healthy day.. :P
I took a 2 mile walk, tho. :) And I did the shred this morning.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Tracking 7/25/11

Oops. I got my dates off.. Oh well.

Kashi Granola bar, 4
M&M's, 1

Lean Cuisine Spinach dip and pita bread, 5
Fritos, 4
Slice o cheese, 2

Total: 16
Left: 19
Shooot. I got a ton o points left over. I don't want to eat a ton at 9:20! But the rules state I must track and I must try to eat all my points... Where's the cheesecake??? :)

Creamy tacos, 18
Slushy, 1

And... I just ate one of my shred weights and accidentally opened the other one... lol

Makes me feel better.. :)

Here's the dress, Before and now.
1. Check out my legs! Darker AND skinnier! :)
2. It took me a while to figure this out.. The waistline fits lower! Like, where it's supposed to go! :) 

Weigh in...

I gained a pound. I could just cry!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I want to eat!! I'm not hungry, I just want to eat. I want to eat anything and everything! I want refried beans. I've been, like, craving them lately. Weird, huh? Anyway. I need to go shower and do something to get my mind off food!!

Tracking 7/23/11

1/2 nasty chicken wrap, 4

Peanut M&Ms, 12 (great source of protein! :D)
McDouble, 10
Strawberry slushy, 1 (if that. The only points being in the tiny bit of sugar in the Koolaid)

Total: 27

Well, I went to mom and dad's this evening.. They had lots of fruit that looked ever so yummy!! I did great, probably stayed within the 8 points, even with my tacos (corn tortilla, shredded bbq pork, and pico de gallo) and guac.... But then... They brought out the cookies.... and the ice cream.... :( Maybe I had enough weekly points left over to cover me... Maybe.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tracking 7/22/11

2 Biscuits w butter, 9
Sausage, 7
Drink, 4

Chick-fil-a, 20

Total: 40

Yup, Better do a workout today... 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Potluck Today... :P

I didn't attempt to track. Sorry, Amy. I'm just not as dedicated as you are. But I am not going to eat any dinner, so perhaps that will help balance it out a tad.... I did have serious thoughts about shredding again tonight, but I seriously hate shredding... :P

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tracking 7/21/11

So far...

I've had..
1 Kashi Breakfast bar, 4 (all kinds of nuts! Gross, but good for you! :)

Peanuts and M&Ms, 4 (just a few...)
Pretzels, 2 (just a few)

Lean Pocket yummy pretzel thing, 7
Starbursts, 2

19 total

Dinner at mom's (yay!) yet to come...
Mom's Yummy-licious dinner consisted of:
2 tacos (Ground deer, a bit of beans, a smidge of sour cream, a sprinkle of cheese, lettuce, cilantro, tomatoes)
2 Graham crackers with a Nutella-like spread (Not Nutella brand..)
1/2 c 2% milk

Now, I'm not certain how many points that comes out to be, but I'm thinking that's within the 16 remaining points. That's not counting my 5 activity points.

I have a dream..

Back when I first joined WW I determined in myself that, if I ever got to my goal weight, I would become a WW leader. Since then my determination to share the experience I have gained through this has grown. I want this to become my career. My mind has toyed with different ways that I could use the experience. A fitness instructor? Teach a class on nutrition? There's a lot of possibilities..

I have a dream to be a writer. I'm nowhere near professional, but I would love to become a professional. I've toyed with the idea of children's books. I've written a story for my niece and nephew. I've written bits and pieces here and there.

This morning the idea came to me to write children's books about the importance of nutrition. I realize this isn't a new concept, but maybe somehow I can bring a new spin to it.

Then my ultimate dream hit me. I want to write about my experience. Not just my experience, but my sisters' as well. I want to write about my mom and my brother's experience, because it can't be long until they catch on, too. (In fact, I think mom already has...) I want to say, "I have been there. I truly understand. I found hope and inner strength and you can too!"

Just remembering...

I just remembered day one. Well, anyway, day one of starting again... I started first in November, then kinda fell off the band wagon when I moved back to AR. In February we all started blogging and that was the first day. Wow, I've come a long way from there!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tracking 7/20/11

My daily allowance has lowered to 35 points.

Today I ate:
1 bag of pretzels, 4

1 Lean Cuisine Spinach dip and pita bread *YUM!*, 5
1 Eggroll, 4

Cheetos, 9

2 Corn dogs, 8
Drink, 5

Total: 35
Game hasn't started yet. I'm not eating my activity points. :D

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Walking and goals

So I just kicked my activity goal in the butt! I wanted to walk 5 miles and I have done it! I want to start doing it regularly, maybe once a week, but I'm gonna have to wait for it to cool down.. Either that or join a gym... My $$ are already squealing, so I think not...

I need a new activity goal, but I'm not sure what. Thinking maybe it should involve jogging, but I'm not sure I'm up to something that big... I would definitely have to build up to it.

I debated on my new weight loss goal, and I guess I will go with another 25 lbs, or 50 lbs total. This will put me right next door to One-derland! (Ok, so I just told you how much I weighed at the beginning of this thing. :P Oh, well. That's what I USED to weigh! :)

Thinking of doing a little competition between me and my sisters... We need some motivation...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Weigh in..

Lost 2.8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First Goal Met!!! I have lost 26.2 lbs!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I'm SOOOOO Excited!!!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Feeling good!

Several reasons...

1) My sneak peek weigh in was promising (I shouldn't do this, I'm gonna be mad tomorrow if my official weigh in isn't what I want it to be..)

2) Several ppl told me today and yesterday they could tell I'd lost weight and I looked really good. One person told me, "you're beautiful. Don't forget that". (Too bad it wasn't Prince Charming, but much appreciated, nonetheless... :) I got to brag on Nettie and Amy, too, because they've lost just as much as me. :)

3) When I looked in the mirror a second ago I looked so skinny I had to go check my bathroom mirror and make sure my full length mirror hadn't gotten warped from Judy borrowing it. :)

I shoulda done shred a second ago when I was feelin it, since I haven't gotten in any exercise the past 3 days, but I've decided as long as I'm getting in 3-4 days a week (Esp as long as I'm doing the Shred!) I'm not going to beat myself up over it. Esp on days like today when I don't really have a chance to do it.

Goals this week: Walk 5 miles, start tracking again.

Friday, July 15, 2011


I'm getting impatient and frustrated. I want to be skinny NOW!

Today was a bad day. I started the day by eating an iced honey bun that ended up being a woppin 17 points!! I knew it was going to be bad, but I didn't know it was going to be half a day's worth! I couldn't decide if I should starve (not literally) myself and work out twice or just scrap today. Well, I made the irresponsible decision to scrap today, which I regretted about halfway through my calorie-laden sandwich. I stopped eating right there and threw the rest away, but I'm just so mad at myself for eating that crap.

I'm mad, to the point that I feel like I could do the Shred twice and jog 5 miles. I probably won't, but I wish I could.

Maybe this will be the final snap I need to get me to pay attention to what I'm eating. Maybe I'll start exercising even more. I certainly hope so, because I'm tired of being fat! I'm tired of being stuck at the same weight, up and down.... I'm ready to live life to the fullest without fat rolls holding me back!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Skinny people

I'm really getting tired of skinny ppl who don't understand what it is to be majorly overweight. From exercising to just how ppl perceive you, they just don't get it. And when they make a joke about it and it's clear that they don't realize being fat is not a joke for us. It's real life. We face it every day.


I jogged for, like, a minute and a half!! :) Ok, not a lot, but a start! :) And it wasn't too bad, except it killed my shins.

(I'm terrified of jogging, so this is a big step for me.)

Tracking. I MUST START TRACKING!! :/ I'm not losing and I know why. Work has been really stressful and I've been stress eating, along with not tracking... And it's just not working! I have goals that need to be met!

Tomorrow is a bachelorette party.. I guess I should eat on the way..

Monday, July 11, 2011

Weigh in..

1.4 lbs lost!

And eggrolls are only 4 points each! :D (the kind I bought, anyway..)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Say no to coke!

Well, I just drank the last of the soda in my fridge. I'm ending up with a headache every day anyway. (I've been to the chiropractor, no help.. Next stop: The eye doctor..) So it is time! I am dropping soda!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weigh in..

So frustrating... I gained this week.. 2.6 lbs. :( Oh, and I was only 0.4 away from goal. I've been saying 0.6... :(

I think part of it may have been the Shred (blame it on Jillian. :) but if I'm completely honest, I didn't eat as good as I should've either..

I guess I'm gonna have to start tracking, if Amy is right about the necessity of eating activity points...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

30 Day Shred

So I did the 30 Day Shred. I'm not going to lie, I honestly thought, I never want to do that again!

But then I got to thinking... Comparing WW workout to the Shred...

WW is middle-aged, average women with average goals. They can walk 5 miles, no problem. (Nothing wrong with that.)

Jillian, on the other hand, is an amazing woman with an amazing body helping people reach amazing goals. She can RUN 5 miles, no problem.

So, I asked myself.. Which do I want to be?....

And I want to be Jillian! :) I want to be able to jog! I want to do anything and never get tired. (Ok, within reason, obviously..) I want to be fabulous. I don't want to be average.

So. I'm going to become familiar with the phrases "You're much stronger than you think you are. You can do much more than you think possible." and "It WILL become easier the more you do it." And I'm going to do the 30 Day Shred!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Weigh in..

I lost 4 lbs this week!!!!! :-O

I still think something was wrong with last week's weigh in, but hey! That's alright, because 4 lbs this week feels GREAT!! :)

I am 0.6 lbs away from 25 lbs!! :) I think we'll be meetin a goal this week. : ) Three in one, actually. I'll be reaching 25 lbs, which is also 10% (sh!) AND I'll be dropping into the next 10 lb mark. (You know how I said it's always a goal to drop into the next 10 lb mark? Like, 140, 150, 160... etc...)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Water, Clothes

Amy asked about my water thing..
I've been drinking more water, but haven't dropped the cokes as much as I'd like... And not enough water yet. But I'm headed in the right direction..

My clothes are falling off me! Not quite literally, but almost! While this is SUPER exciting, I can't feel the excitement because I'm freakin out about what I'm going to wear between now and skinny! : / I don't have $$ to keep buying smaller clothes...

I think I'm going to see what kind of exchange I can get at one of the local second hand stores.. That's the best I'm coming up with...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Weigh in..

I'm so disappointed.. Weigh in shows a .2 loss. :( I thought I'd done better than that...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Exercise, sneak peek, new goal....

So I decided to go back and see how long I've been active. It looks like around March 21st I started walking. So right at 3 months! And I think I've been pretty faithful to it since then. I'm curious to go walk the trail that I walked at first and see how hard it is now.

I took a sneak peek at the scales this morning.. 2.8 already! :) A weigh in mid-week helps keep me motivated.

I've heard say that when you set a new goal, you're supposed to tell someone, so you have some accountability. So to you, my friends, I would like to say.. I have set a new goal! :) I am going to try to cut out soda. With my activity levels and it being summer, plus tanning and cleaning buildings... I'm sweating a LOT more and I don't drink enough when I'm drinking soda. (Besides it not being good for you, etc...) So. Usually I drink two sodas a day. I'm going to try to take that down to one for now (trying to avoid the headaches..) and hopefully soon cut it out altogether. I started yesterday. Got more water, but not a whole lot less coke..

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


My first coworker told me she could tell I was losing weight! :) She said she's been noticing for a while. yay!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Weigh in..

I lost 3 lbs!! Now that's what I'm talkin about! :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Weigh in..

Lost .2. Not much, but since I was expecting a gain.....

Monday, May 30, 2011

Weigh in..

I maintained. Neither gain nor loss. That's good, considering the week I had.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

No comment

UGH!! Am I the only one having this problem? Blogger will NOT let me comment on anything! It acts like I'm not logged in, but I am! And I'll try logging in again and it does the same thing! :(

I am reading, guys! Just can't comment... :/

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blogger.. UGH!

I can't comment for some reason... So.

Amy: It's still progress! :)

Sarah: You're looking great! I can see a real difference.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Just want to say, the easy tone shoes really do work! Now, I'm not saying you're gonna instantly look like the girl on the commercials, but... I've been wearing Rachel's knock-offs from payless and I can really feel it in my legs and butt.

Weigh in..

I lost 1.6! I was half afraid I was going to gain, so I was pretty excited. (yesterday's sneak peek was ominous.)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


FYI: I HAVE been tracking, even tho I don't always post it on here. I have a handy-dandy dry erase board on my fridge, which I write everything down on.

Today, so far, I've had..
Granola bars, 5
BK Single stacker, 10
BK Fries, 12

So.. 10 points left and I haven't eaten dinner. I should be fine, tho. That should be plenty.

Gees, tho, this is going to be hard once I get down to 29 points.. :/

Oh, and I'm hobbling from yesterday... My toe is SOO sore. :( Looking forward to new shoes!

Stress eating

Crap. I'm stress eating.. I might be able to salvage the day, but I'm too worn out to check right now....

Apparently the universe (or somebuddy...) decided today needed to make up for yesterday. I've all but forgotten how rested and happy I felt yesterday. : /

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I just walked 3.7 miles and probably could've walked another mile! This is tremendous for me.

On the down side, I need new shoes. I discovered the problem I'm having with my toe is due to my shoes... But I get paid Friday so new shoes, here I come!

Nettie: Is that 5K thing still on? when was it and where?

Oh! And... I found out today that most of the small sandwiches at Schlotzky's are 9 points! That's less than a McDouble and much more filling! Less than a sub sandwich, too, but not more filling.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Weigh in..

I lost 2.6!! :) And officially reached another goal! It's always a goal to drop below that 10 lb mark, whatever it may be. For instance: 120, 130, 140... (Obviously I'm not there yet, but I'm not exactly comfortable posting my weight, even if you do know..)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This week...

I didn't keep track today.. I started at about 1 AM with some Munchies. But then I didn't eat again until 3 PM and I ate granola bars. For dinner, I had a bbq sandwhich, some nachos, and some cookies. I think I'm ok today.

I peeked at the scales.. I THINK I'm gonna do really awesome this week. I'm really looking forward to weigh in tomorrow morning. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011


Well.. I'm not entirely positive on all this, but here's some approximations...

Granola bars, 5
1/2 a turkey sandwich, 4 (did you know turkey has 1 point for 6 slices?? Now if i only liked turkey...)
bag o pretzels, 3

Dinner: (here's where the approximations come in..)
Chips & Salsa (some), 4? (really, no idea, except chips are normally 4 per serving..)
Chicken, (1/2 serving) 17
Fries, (a few, less than half) 5
Chocolate molten cake, (split with my bestie) 14

52 - 37 = 15 weekly points
49 - 15 = 34 weekly points left over.

I'm probably a few points short, tho.. But I'm pleased, over all.

Now that blogger is finally back up..

.. And missing some of my blogs...

I'm starting to really notice definition in my arms! :)

I have plans to eat at Chili's tonight. A/O right now, I have used 12 of my daily points, none of my weekly points. This leaves a total of 74 points for me to use at dinner. Obviously, I don't want to use all of those points. I'd really kinda like to just use my daily points. But Chili's is a killer! When I saw the points values on their food I was physically sickened by it. Very educational, for sure.

At this point, my plan is to eat the chicken crisper meal, which includes fries, (I think, need to check before eating.) for 35 points. It's usually more than enough food, so I'm thinking if I don't eat all of it I might actually come out ok! I thought about subbing the fries for a salad (if they're included..) but I figure the dressing is probably 5 points or so... I could just eat half the fries...

Anyway, we'll see. I may throw caution to the wind in the end. After all, I do have 74 points to work with.. But I have game night Sunday night to keep in mind, too....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thank you, Timothy! :)

He probably won't read it, but he made several comments about how great I'm looking last night. :) A real moral booster, for sure. I was thinking about it the whole time I was working out this morning.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


First, NSV!! The other day I put on a skirt that used to barely fit me. Now it fits quite nicely!

Now, down to business...
Bagel, 5
Coffee, 1

Pretzels, 3

"Lunch": (I wasn't hungry)
Grapes, 0
Nut Mix, 6

Chicken, 5
Drink, 8

I'm supposed to be meeting mom and dad at taco bell here in a bit. Guess I'd better figure out what I'm getting before I go...

Monday, May 9, 2011


Well, in case you didn't see on facebook, I cleaned offices for over 3 hours. I'd say I got some exercise in....

Today I ate..
Turkey sandwich, 6
Ice Cream bar, 8

Chicken wrap, 9

Double cheeseburger, 12
A few fries, 2 (guessing)
The fries were gross, so I didn't waste points on them. :)
Total: 37 points

Weigh in..

Lost .4 lbs. Better than a gain!

I was doing great til I went to Amy's and we had pizza for dinner one night and Perkins for dinner the next night. I'm not blaming her. I coulda eaten something much more healthy than the biscuit, fried eggs, and sausage slathered in gravy with a side of greasy potatoes. She tried to get me to split something with her. But that's what I chose.

I also chose not to exercise Thurs-Sun, so that didn't help either.

Today I stayed home sick.. So far I haven't exercised.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I'm still trying to decide if I want to eat something else... I never really ate dinner... But it's 10:00 already, which is kinda late to be eating... But this is what I've had so far...

Grapes, 0
Nut mix, 6
*yes, I'm aware I eat the same thing all the time.. It's easier..*

Chips, 3
Wrap, 10
Yogurt frozen bar, 2

Crackers, 6
Total: 27

So I could have something decent.. Or I could just eat one of those 8 point reeses ice cream thingies.. :D

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Omg! I just calculated my workout and I get 8 activity points for it!! Guess that takes care of yesterday's messup! :)


Nut mix, 6
Grapes, 0

CFA sandwich, 11
Lite Mayo, 1

Cookie cake, the rest. haha.
Hard to calculate exactly, but I figure I don't need to eat at 8:00 anyway.. Maybe some grapes or something light...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Keeping track...

*Imagine a little kid who's being asked to confess what happened to sissy.....*

I was doing SO good...
Grapes, 0
Nut/fruit mix, 4

Baked Cheetos, 3

BBQ Sandwhich, 6
Chips, 4
Strawberry yogurt bar, 2

We're at 19 points... Leaving 18 for dinner...

I had a terrible day at work... I wanted to scream a few times, bash my head on my desk, go home and cover my head with a blanket. Mostly, just go home and cover my head...
When I have a bad day is when I have the hardest time sticking to it.. I'm a big baby and I want to "give a sucker to the kid who fell down".

So for dinner I went to Taco Bell.. Tim had just been telling me about the beefy crunch burrito (so I blame him.. :) For some absurd reason, I decided I needed 2. *blush* Of course I didn't need two, I'm stuffed now.

I hoped beyond all hopes that they were 9 points each, but to my dismay... They're 13 points each. :/

So 26 points for dinner, meaning I used 8 weekly points... already. :/

And my back is really sore from my workout...

BUT!! I will not be dismayed! This does not mean my week is ruined! Just means I need to do better tomorrow. :)

Weigh in..

Nice.. Now I'm all confused because of the duplicate weigh-in... And, of course, I had a significant gain... I knew I'd have to work extra hard if I wanted to maintain that loss and I didn't work extra hard....

So.. from second weigh-in last week.. I gained 1.8 lbs...
That's a .4 gain from first weigh in...

Either way, I gained. :/

I marked most of my food with the point values yesterday so hopefully this week will be better... I know, I keep saying that.

Y'all, hold me to keeping track of what I eat. That's the biggest problem here...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Before pic...

Top Pic: I just want to say, I really hate this pic of me.. It was "wacky day" at work, to explain the excellent choice in clothing. But it's a good "before pic". Looking at this pic compared to the bottom pic was really encouraging! To be fair, I was sucking it in, but looking at my arms and face I can tell a difference. (But maybe it's just me...)

Monday, April 25, 2011

three posts for one day...

But I have something else to say! (That was not meant to rhyme..)

I tried the hardest workout (when I'm typing the proper word NEVER comes to me..). My gosh! It WAS hard! I don't think I'm going to go to it full time just yet, but I'm looking forward to throwing it in a couple times a week.

I still don't have any weights. They're on the top of my list of things to buy with my next paycheck, tho! That's gonna really make a difference!

What now?

Ok, so I weighed, then I worked out, then I weighed again... Twice. I weighed 1.4 lbs less than I weighed on my first weigh in.... Do I take that??? That means I lost 2 lbs.......

Weigh in..

Lost .6 lbs. I'll take it. :) It's a loss.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Have I mentioned?

I am REALLY excited about living a more active lifestyle. It's not at all uncommon for me these days to suggest taking a walk, whether I've taken my daily walk or not. Before, I would've gone on a walk, but it wouldn't have been my suggestion. I really enjoy it now! And I just feel better, overall. I feel better about myself and more energetic. Not so "Blah".

I'm trying to be patient with myself. I'm trying to change a life here, not just eat skimpy for a few days. I could've done better, but I could've done SO much worse! And I really do think I'm beginning to think differently too. I still have trouble imagining that I'll ever be skinny, but I'm working on it. But more than that, I'm really thinking about being healthy more than being skinny. And my idea of what is "ok" to eat is changing drastically. My addiction to sugar is MUCH better, and that really helps. I still eat it sometimes, but I don't feel so much like I NEED SUGAR NOW.

This week I do want to try to do better and concentrate on keeping track of what I'm eating and whatmore. But regardless of what I end up eating, I'm going to be happy that I'm changing my life. Even if it isn't changed yet.

Weigh in...

Somehow, I lost 1 lb. :D yay! I really expected to have gained, so I'm pretty excited about the loss.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I just ate Burger King. Bad for the diet, but OOOHHH So tasty! remind me of this when I'm whinin' about gaining Monday..... :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

New Favorite TV Show...

Ever watched "I Used To Be Fat"? Inspiring, let me tell ya.

It got me thinking... Why have I gotten so far off track the last couple of weeks? The truth is, I think I was doing really well because I was eating prepackaged meals. A lot of prepackaged meals. It gets expensive fast! So I need to learn to eat right without microwaving it...

Hmmm. A lot to think about. But I'm ready to make some progress!!

Weigh in...

I gained .2. I haven't been very dedicated. :/ But today marks a new week! Let's try this again....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Last night..

I don't know what got into me, but I decided to make fried chicken last night... Yeah, not so great for the ol' diet.. :/

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Micky Dee's....

I have this new thing for McDoubles. :( They're SO yummy! (I think this mostly stems from the fact that they're full of fat and I don't get much of that anymore..) I had one yesterday and today. I haven't figured yesterday's total (I have a feeling not so great..) But today I skipped the fries, so I should be ok.. :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I went for my daily walk today and realized after about a mile that I wasn't tired at all. My legs weren't hurting or anything. Even after almost 2 miles I was feeling pretty good. Score!

The only thing is, my lungs were exhausted. I was breathing hard. I sounded like a horse! I started really concentrating on breathing deep and that seemed to help. I'm wondering, am I doing something wrong or should I just give it some more time? How long before a walk around the park doesn't have me out of breath?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Keeping track...

I've strayed away from tracking my food. I think this has been a big downfall for me. So here goes nothin...

1/2 bagel, 4
Cream cheese, 1

Chick-fil-a sandwich, 11
Waffle fries, 10
No-bake, 3

Smart Ones Bagel bites, 7
100 cal pretzels, 3

Total: 39
I'm down to 38 now, so I'm a point over. :/ Good thing I walked today! :D

Weigh in...

I gained .6 lbs. :/ But NSV: I walked every day last week! :) Well, there was one day it was raining, but I worked out that day. My foot is giving me some trouble, but I just keep going!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Proud in spite...

In spite of the pt totals from the last two days, I am UBER proud of myself! :) I got off at 7:00 PM tonight and still went walking! :) It was cold and getting dark, but I managed 1.2 miles. :) Now, if I can only talk myself into getting up 30 minutes earlier so I can walk in the morning instead of at night..... THAT will REALLY be something to be proud of. hahaha

Not so great...

Today and yesterday were not so great days for me. :/ Yesterday I had 47 points and today I've already had 41 points. I'm thinking perhaps I should skip dinner. Or eat some fruit for dinner..

Monday, March 28, 2011


It's amazing how relaxing walking is! I was so stressed by work and just life in general, but after walking a while the tension just melted away. Seriously. I still can't figure out why I have so much trouble sticking with it when I KNOW there's a TON of benefits to it, including better moods. You just feel better!

Trying to decide..

What do you guys think? I weighed 4.8 lbs more when I first started in November with Nettie than when I started again with Amy in February. Do you think I should track since November or just since I started again?

Weigh in...

I lost 2.4! Can you believe, I'm actually disappointed by that number? I'm trying to shake it off, but I'm only .2 lbs less than before I messed up last week. But 2.4 is great and I need to keep that in mind. Plus, I've had a lot of ppl (ok, two or three) ask me if I've lost weight, so NSV! :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

March 24

I think I did good yesterday... It's hard to say, point wise. But this is what I ate:

Oatmeal bar, 6
Turkey Sandwich, 6-8 (guessing..?)
Grapes, 0
Spaghetti (small serving)
Salad, 0
Light poppy seed dressing
Green Beans, 0
Mexican candy (two peices)
Some kind of almonds... (A few, say 10)
Ice Cream (a cup or so..)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shout out!!

Just giving a shout out to my sister, Nettie, who has reached her 25 lb mark!! WOOT WOOT!! : ) Congrats!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pictures are fun!

This is a picture to remind me that pictures are fun to add to an otherwise boring blog. :) This is one of my favorite ww treats.

March 23


1/2 bagel, 6
Coffee, 2

Pretzels, 4
Sandwich, 7
Grapes, 0

Creamy tacos, 17
Frozen yogurt bar, 2

Again, a perfect 38 pts! :) I think I'm starting to get this down... I also walked 1.2 miles again today, but I refuse to use my exercise pts. I think I'm going to go for 1.8 miles tomorrow.. maybe. (The park where I walk is .6 miles each time around)

My cheat peek at the scales this morning was encouraging.. :)

March 22

So yesterday I ate:

WW Pretzels, 4
Snack bar, 2
Crystal Light, 0

Ramen Noodles, 8
Grapes, 0
Crackers, 4

2 Fajitas + chips and salsa, 20

That puts me perfectly at 38 pts. Yay! I was slightly worried I might have gone over.

I also walked yesterday and Monday. 1.2 miles each day.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weigh in...

I don't wanna weigh in! :/ I did AWFUL last week and yesterday's sneak peek was very discouraging....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Another Hurdle

I have a huge challenge ahead for me... I'm organizing our Relay for Life bake sale tomorrow. Meaning I have to bake something AND I have to stand around a bunch of sweet stuff all day. I'll be handling the money, mostly, so during the busy times I won't have a problem. But when we're standing around, doing nothing.... :(

I'm going to try and look at it as a challenge instead of as a sacrifice. Mebe that will help... :)
Wish me luck!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Colds... :P

Much as I hate being sick, my cold helped me out today. I didn't really feel like eating at all, but I did eat a Ramen Noodle for 8 points, a slice of sugar free pie (estimating 3 points) and a coke for 3 points. Along with my 9 pt breakfast, that gives me 23 points. I know, a lot less than I should've eaten, but seriously. I'm not at all hungry. So that means I just have to get through tomorrow and then I'm on to a new week! :)
So yesterday went so-so... I resisted most of the yummy food ending up with a frito chili pie that was supposedly 17 points..? I don't know why I'm having so much trouble believing that.. I really didn't think chili had 9 points, tho... Anyway, I came home and had a smart ones lasagna, using the rest of my points. But later the munchies hit me and I don't even know how to begin calculating those points since it was a bite of this and a snitch of that.... I'd probably be fine, tho, if I didn't go over at all for the next two days. I cheated and weighed this morning... I'm excited, but then again... I did that last week and in the end it didn't go as well as I thought... : / Oh well, anyway...

This morning I made something new! Not entirely original, but... I bought these thin bagels a few days ago... I ate one with cream cheese and it was pretty nasty. Well, I got to thinking about how good a breakfast sandwhich they'd make. One only has 3 points! So this morning I made an egg, cheese, and salami (Sounds gross, but wasn't) bagel. I think altogether it was 7 points. (3 for the bagel, 2 for the egg, 1 for the cheese, and 1 for the salami) Since I haven't actually checked the points on the salami I can't be certain....

Anyway. Now it's 3:30 and, besides the coffee with breakfast, I haven't eaten anything else... So 30 points left for the entire evening and no money to go buy fatening food. :) I should do good today, but it's amazing how miraculously you can blow your diet... Even when it seems impossible..... haha

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ug- wait... Using weekly allowance points...

Well, we started the day off right with:
1/2 Bagel, 4
1 T Cream cheese, 1
Coffee, 2
Snack bar, 2

Then 1st oops:
Skittles, 7 Seven points!!! :(

Nasty Ramen noodles, Less than 7 (I couldn't eat them all...)

And then....
Judy wanted to go to Arby's. I was going to take her and just let her get something and eat my healthy choice meal when I got home. She wouldn't go for it. So....

Arby's Chicken tender meal, 26.......

Then I had to make cookies for a fundraiser... (Nettie, you'll find a new recipe in your recipe "box")
Cookies, 15
Oh, and coke, 3

67 total pts! :( That means 67-39=28 weekly points!

This would be ok, if tomorrow's fundraiser didn't consist of biscuits and gravy, frito chili pie, and desserts galore... all of which are my favorites!! : / But tomorrow is a new day, free (right now) of mistakes.. I'll just take it one decision at a time....

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9th

Snack bar, 2
Crystal light, 0

Cheeseburger, 12
Fries, 11
Dr Pepper, 3

GV Lame meal, 9
WW Strawberry popsicle thingy, 3

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I came home and ate a 7 pt healthy choice meal and some strawberries with a tad of sugar... problem: I'm still hungry... : /

: /

I can't figure out how many points is in white cheese dip, like Mexican Restaurant style cheese dip. : / That was lunch for me today... Not good, I know... But not as bad as the 8 points worth of chocolate I ate after that.. :P I think there's still redemption for this day, but I need to know how many points is in white cheese dip... So let me know if you find anything....

Update: (Since it won't let me comment...)
According to the nutrition value I found, a cup of the cheese dip is 6 points. The fiber wasn't listed (I doubt it had a significant amount anyway..) and that's not counting the chips. Does that seem right?? I'm not sure what I think... Kinda seems low to me... But when you consider all the chips I ate, which adds another 8 points or so.. I guess it's probably about right.. Sheesh! I'm gonna have to eat salad tonight!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fried chicken..

Ok, let's start out with what I had before dinner.....

Smoothie, 0
Coffee, 2 (only I didn't drink much of it, so probably not even 2..)

Healthy Choice, 6
Snack bar, 2
Dr Pepper, 4

Ok, That's 14 points. So that leaves 25 for Fried chicken, Fried potatos, salad, and a WW ice cream bar. I THINK that's actually enough! :)

March 4th

I fried chicken for supper last night. :P I didn't even try to figure my points... But I ate almost nothing during the day, so I'm thinking there might actually be hope! I should figure it, just so I know.. maybe later.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Snack bar (I know, not the best choice), 2
Coffee (creamer), 2

WW Slider, 5

Chips, 4
Cheese dip, 4

Supper (at a friend's):
Pizza Hut pepperoni stuffed crust (YUM!!), 20 (2 slices @ 10 ea)
Drinks, 8

= 45, 6 points over daily total
Could've been better, but also coulda been worse. I'm ok with that.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Titles are dumb

I get tired of making up titles for my posts. haha. :) Esp since I'm using this as my tracker keeper thingy...

Protein Bar, 5
Coffee, 2

Smart Ones quesadillas, 10

Mcdonald's Double Cheeseburger, 12
Small fries, 6

Four points short!! Woot woot!
I would use them, but I'm trying to work on resisting sugar... And I'm not hungry.


Every time I make a bad choice it involves sugar...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day.. Um.. I lost count...


McDonald's Sausage Burrito, 8

Tortilla Chips, 4
Salsa, 0
Apple, 0
WW Peanut Butter bliss bar, 2

Lasagna, 10
Texas toast, 8
Salad, 0
Ranch, 4
Strawberry Cream Slush, 10

So. I went 7 points over. Considering all the food I ate tonight, I'm not too disappointed. Shoulda skipped the ice cream. I knew I should've... But that's ok. I have the weekly allowance points.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 4

I think I did mostly good, up until the Georgia Mud Fudge blizzard... I did get a small tho... Oh, well, each good choice is one less bad choice! :D

Excited about tomorrow... :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 3

Well the day started good... Much like yesterday, with an 8 point breakfast. Apple for snack. Lunch was a tongue-burning smart ones lasagna at 7 points. Ate a couple of Olive Garden chocolate mints. Dinner.. Well.... I'll let you be the judge...

I made fajitas for Judy and I... Sauteed them in oil, not so diet friendly.... Low fat sour cream, fat free cheese, and veggies. I only ate one, tho and some chips.. But then! Judy made brownies! I ate way too many I'm sure... : / Oh well, better than McD's for breakfast, Chick-fil-a for lunch and Taco Bell for dinner.....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 2...

Well, I think I did fairly well today.

I started the day out with
Coffee, 2
Breakfast wraps, 6

For lunch I had
Smart ones Ravioli, 7
Cheese, 2
Snack bar, 2

Dinner was
Healthy choice meal, I forgot to check (but less than 10 I'm sure)
Smoothie, 4 (per the calculator... It's supposed to be all real fruit, I think.. so maybe zero? But I'm gonna count it anyway)
Popcorn, 3
Hot Chocolate, 2
Marshmellows, 3

So.. Depending on the healthy choice meal.. I may have gone over. But I seriously doubt it.

Eating breakfast and drinking coffee REALLY helped start my day on a positive note. I hope to make it a habit.....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 1

I did ok... I got rid of the cheesecake Rachel left here. :D

I ate:
Peach, 0 pts
WW Pretzels, 3 pts
Snack bar, 2 pts
Sandwhich, 9 pts
Cheesecake... wow.. who knows?
Healthy Choice Meal, 6 pts

At 39 pts.. That leaves 19 pts for the cheese cake.... oh.. and the m&m's... and the oreos... eh.. Well.. Hmm.... I don't know how well I did....

Trying to get on board...

I have to admit, right now, I'm not feeling it. I'm not feeling at all enthusiastic. Titles that came to mind for this blog:

Fat Lard
I'm a BIG kid now

Yeah, not positive. But I need this to get me motivated again.

If I'm stressed about something other than dieting I feel like it gives me a right to just forget about dieting, because I can't handle more than one thing at a time. It's an excuse...

I bought a bunch of Smart Ones and Healthy Choice meals when I went grocery shopping, so I'm set to go... But Rachel left cheesecake in my refridgerator... :/ So yesterday I ate Nutter Butters for breakfast (forgot to grab a fruit), Smart Ones for lunch, and oh.. cheesecake for lunch too.... Dinner was a leftover sandwich and chips and more cheesecake. :P Plus a couple of sodas.. Not so great...

Today has just begun. Let's see how great I can do. :)