Sunday, August 28, 2011


Well, the last three days I have literally eaten whatever I wanted. Way too much. : / It's starting to freak me out. Like, weight loss was a crazy dream a hundred years ago. Which is causing me to panic! Must get back on track!!!!

Tho.. Honestly (and embarrassingly...) I think I've still done better than I used to do on a normal, every day basis....

Friday, August 26, 2011

Weigh in...

I lost 4.4....

BUT! Here's the tricky part: I weigh in on Mondays usually. And, of course, over the weekend I gain every time... So if I were to weigh in on Monday again, I'm sure it wouldn't look that good. But since I will be traveling Monday, I'm gonna go with this. :) Maybe it'll help inspire me not to gorge while on vacation.

Speaking of vacation... I probably won't officially weigh in again until Monday, September 12th.. That'll give me a chance to work on the vacation weight before having to post that depressing number... :P

Actually, tho, I'm going to be with a bunch of weight watchers the whole time, so hopefully we won't gain too much..... Tho, with just the eating I plan on doing the next 3 days I could easily gain back that 4.4... Oh, well! For now I'm going to revel in the fact that I have semi-officially lost 35+ lbs!!! :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Junk Food

Today I went and bought a bunch of junk to kick off my vacation with. As soon as I got in the car I instantly regretted it. I could feel the pounds leaping on at just the thought of eating Ben and Jerry's Half Baked *Even if it does taste like heaven!*.

Between that and forgetting to eat lunch today, I think I really have kicked my food addiction! But last time I said this I started getting HUNGRY all the time....

I really don't crave junk food very often anymore, tho.. That could be because I eat a lot of crappy food and really just want home cooked meals most of the time.......

Maybe I should hire a cook... hahaha!! But seriously. I need to put more effort into my food...


So. I have this thing where I watch other ppl's feet that are walking the track with me (Esp ppl who've passed me) to see how much faster they're going. Sometimes I try to keep up. Well, there's been several times that ppl who pass me are walking slower than me, in their steps. Less steps. This one dude walks the same amount of steps as me, but he's faster, much faster than me. So I have decided their legs are longer. I try taking bigger steps, and it helps..

But my question: if the dude who is walking faster than me is actually taking the same amount of steps per minute, are we burning the same calories per mile? Or am I burning more, because it's actually going to take me more steps to get the mile. OR! Is he burning more, because he's bigger (and he's male..)?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Here's hoping!

My sneak peek weigh-in wasn't promising, but according to my tracking, I didn't use all of my weekly allowance.... Plus I didn't use any of my activity points and I walked 5 miles yesterday, not to mention the rest of my exercise earlier in the week... I'm hoping that tomorrow's weigh-in will be more favorable.. Fingers crossed!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

5 Miles Down! :)

So I decided at some point that I was going to walk 5 miles today before I went to work at 12:00. This meant I had to get up at 8:00 and anyone who knows me knows I don't like to get up early on Saturday.. (Yes, 8:00 is early for a Saturday.) I was a little worried I'd end up choosing sleep over exercise.

Well, wadya know, but I was up before 8:00! I was up before my alarm ever went off. Got out there a little before 8:30 and kicked that 5 miles in the butt! :) About halfway through it just didn't feel challenging enough so I jogged a little. A very little, but the point is... That was the only time my heart rate got up the whole time. Granted, I wasn't walking very fast... Less than 4 mph.. But still. I'm pretty excited about the progress I've made. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

30 Day Walking Challenge

Today I started the 30 day walking challenge with my sisters, mom, and 3 friends. I have two groups, actually. Mom + sisters in one and friends in the other. I'm helping to keep 7 ppl motivated and that makes me feel really great. I'm excited!

So today I walked 30 minutes, which, in distance, was just under 2 miles. Then I came home and did the WW Workout, which seemed like a granny workout at one time, but today actually had me slightly exhausted. I'm blaming it on the fact that I walked first, plus I'm not used to those particular moves anymore. When it gets too easy again I'll move on to something else. I discovered, tho, that you can really intensify a workout by picking up some weights! I wasn't strong enough to hold them through the whole workout (more like, for about 30 seconds or so...) but I can do that, too, when the workout gets "too easy".

I'd like to take my weights walking with me, but I'm afraid I'd wear myself out and then not have a place to put the weights...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I just realized the weight loss tracker will keep a history of your weigh ins, IF you change the date every time. I haven't been changing the date. : / And I didn't keep track of what I weighed when anywhere else, so all I have to go by is my weigh ins. : / From here forward, tho, I will be keeping track!

Complete 30 day Shred - Check! :)

I have officially completed the 30 day Shred!! Yay! I'm so glad to say goodbye to Jillian. Tho, it really seems weird.... I'll probably do it again at some point.. I may wait until I've lost another 50 lbs, tho, before trying it again.. It would be a lot more do-able at that weight than now..

I have to say, I should thank Jillian at least for showing me what I'm capable of. If you woulda just told me I was capable of those things, I woulda laughed in your face. I woulda said, Do you SEE these fat rolls? I ain't doin those things!

Granted, I did not do the Shred every single day... I've debated whether or not it even mattered if I went 30 days or not. But I decided I had to at least feel I'd conquered it on some level, so... :) Call it conquered!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I just robbed Lane Bryant! :D
Ok, not really. But I had a $10 rewards check and they have a promotion going where if you text them they'll give you 25% off your purchase. I'm sure that I'll be getting endless tm from them now, but oh well. I can probably unsubscribe. So anyway, my purchase that I just knew was going to be at least $60.00 (even tho everything I had was 60% off) came out to be $21.00. Sah-WEET!! :)

PLUS! I can't wear their 20s anymore! :D I'm in a LB 18 officially. :) 

Shouldn't be much longer til I can't wear their clothes anymore. I feel a little sad, since I feel like LB has been my only friend in the Plus size industry. But soon I'll be friends with all the superficial skinny stores and this is one time I don't mind having superficial friends. :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Weigh in...

I gained 1 lb. I really expected it to be worse, so I'm ok with that. Plus, I'm still at a 30+ loss, so. :)

Here we go again! I'm gonna rock this week! :) Watch out, ladies!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

For inspiration...

I went and found a before pic and an after pic.
There's not a whole lot of before pics, and I realized why. I would do anything I could to get out of pictures before. If you ever notice, every single picture that was taken "before" I have an "if you must.." look on my face. I hated pictures. And for a good reason! They spoke the truth! They said, Grace, you cannot eat a ton of crap and expect to look good. You look terrible and you need to do something about it. I took a lot of close ups around that time, trying to convince myself I looked good. And I got a few close ups that looked pretty good. But the truth was still there, and I couldn't avoid it.

These days, the truth is, I have a LONG ways to go, but I have come a LONG way! Mostly emotionally, but I have made some visible progress as well. I feel confident and attractive, and I am, but we're not finished yet. I'm going to be stunning before this journey comes to a close. Well, and as long as I'm human I reckon I'll fight the urge to eat. But hopefully I can look back over the journey and see the before pics and realize, food is not everything, food is here to survive off of, not for entertainment. It does not make life more enjoyable. In the end, it only makes you miserable if you let it.

Bring on next week! I'm ready to make some more good choices! :)


Well, this week's a bust. I haven't weighed in officially, but I don't need the scales to tell me... One bad choice led to another... I don't even want to talk about it. The terrible part is, I don't really feel all that guilty! I'm a little terrified by how un-guilty I feel. I've been on track and fallen off so many times, and this feels a lot like that. So I'm off to read over my  blogs and contemplate on how far I've come and find my determination again! :) Please, leave any kind of encouragement you can! :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sugar. Ugh

It seems sugar may be creeping back into my life... Guess I need to watch that...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I put on a shirt this morning and had to change because it was too big!! :) This is a shirt I've had for quite some time, so that was pretty exciting. :)

Weigh in...

I weighed in today instead of yesterday since I wasn't confident that Amy's scales were right on with mine.
I lost 1.8 lbs! : )

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sweet NSV!

This weekend I was at Amy and John's for Kenny's b'day party. I went to a Chinese buffet with some friends. I didn't really try to eat right. But I figured all my points and I didn't go over my weekly allowance! This means I've learned to make smarter decisions without giving it much thought. I also can't eat nearly as much as I used to could, so that helps.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Eating. :P

OK... I have GOT to start doing something different... I get to the end of the day, 8:30 at night, and I have 17 points left!!! I don't want to eat 17 points this late! :P

I seriously am so over eating. Haha. The pun just hit me. From overeating to over eating. :) Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, if I didn't get hungry, I just wouldn't eat. I rarely actually feel like eating these days... I have to force myself to eat.

I need to start getting up at 7:00, eat a nice healthy breakfast, and have plenty of time for workout, etc... But I really have trouble getting up any earlier than I have to...

I also want to start tracking with supper instead of breakfast (so one day's points would go from dinner to lunch the next day.) so I can use up all the extra points on lunch or snacks instead of late at night. But I'm not sure how to start that...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I got tired of eating twice today. I kinda like having to force myself to eat enough... :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weigh in...

I lost 4.2 lbs! :)

(These weigh ins like this kinda worry me for the next week. But I'm still excited! :)