Thursday, August 25, 2011

Junk Food

Today I went and bought a bunch of junk to kick off my vacation with. As soon as I got in the car I instantly regretted it. I could feel the pounds leaping on at just the thought of eating Ben and Jerry's Half Baked *Even if it does taste like heaven!*.

Between that and forgetting to eat lunch today, I think I really have kicked my food addiction! But last time I said this I started getting HUNGRY all the time....

I really don't crave junk food very often anymore, tho.. That could be because I eat a lot of crappy food and really just want home cooked meals most of the time.......

Maybe I should hire a cook... hahaha!! But seriously. I need to put more effort into my food...

1 comment:

Nettie Beard said...

Just bag everything up into single serving sizes and mark the point values on the bags! Junk food is okay once in a (great) while!